[open-development] Blogs, videos and more from OKFest; and planning next steps for this network

Tim Davies tim at practicalparticipation.co.uk
Fri Sep 28 13:56:28 UTC 2012

Hello all,

Lots of videos, blog posts and slides from the Open Development track at
last weeks Open Knowledge Festival in Helsinki are now available. Check out
http://open-development.okfn.org/ for links to slides, blog posts and
videos. Direct links below. If you've been blogging about OKFest and your
post is not on the list linked there, please do let me know.

What OKFest taught us was that there is lots going on in the open
development field, but there are lots of missed connections - so please
don't forget you can send news of your projects, ideas and your calls for
help from peers to this list: open-development at lists.okfn.org

We've also just had a quick de-brief with some of the organising team, and
we've agreed that we will try and have a web meeting in late October to
agree some actions for this network over the next year, potentially
responding to the call from Hans Rosling in his keynote at OKFest (video
here: http://bambuser.com/v/2996396) to focus on opening up OECD data. Look
out for news of that soon.

Thanks again to everyone who was involved in making OKFest Open Development
track such an engaging, inclusive and insightful part of the event.

Video lists:

Blog post links:

Slides from lightning talks:

There is tons of great content in here - so do bookmark things to come back
to later if you're busy right now.

All the best



07834 856 303.

Co-director of Practical Participation:
Practical Participation Ltd is a registered company in England and Wales -
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