[open-development] DEBATE: Women's land rights and open data: land coalition debate...
Tim Davies
tim at practicalparticipation.co.uk
Tue Feb 12 22:40:58 UTC 2013
Hello all,
Laura has just shared a synthesis of the first three days discussion on
land rights and open data over on the main Land Portal site, and pasted in
below. I've added some thoughts, particularly focussing on issues of open
data and gender, sparked by a recent First Monday article, over here
I know the land portal team would particular welcome insights from anyone
who has worked with digital platforms for crowdsourcing content, or sharing
open data. In my blog post I ask whether Open Street Map perhaps has a
place in collating land ownership and land rights data?
All the best
From: Laura (laura.meggiolaro at landportal.info)
****Synthesis for the first 3 days****
Here it is a synthesis of the very three first days of discussion. The
debate is taking place on five
different on-line platforms and tries to bridge ICTs and land rights
expertise, to explore the potential
of e-communities to promote inclusive land governance, with a special focus
on women’s land
On how collaborative online platforms can contribute to transparency and
informed debate in
natural resources governance:
• A first comment comes from Candy Schibli, from the World Resource
Institute, who
presented FocusonLand. Candy raises important questions on how the
information produced
can reach the very people able to make change on the ground (i.e. mobile
devices?); how
the right partners can be involved; how can we better identify the existing
information gaps?
All these questions go directly at the heart of our discussion: how
existing platforms can
improve and have an higher impact on the ground? I look forward to hearing
the reactions
from other participants!
• Gaby Gomez Garcia raises important issues too: how can information
contained in on-
line platforms reach rural women, if many of them are illiterate and lack
of land literacy?
How information can become meaningful on the ground and produce change?
leaders and young women have more opportunity, but often land data are
“cold” and land
processes underneath the data are not explained in a practical, easy way.
she gives an interesting example on how on-line platforms contributed in
the past to the
monitoring of land registration programs, by providing data, which were
discussed and often
contested by leaders and activists.
• Fladei, who participated on Wikigender, introduces us to a very
interesting project,
developed by MIT in Mexico, that enabled farmers to find the price and corn
via text
message (sms) so as to better negotiate with the market.
On sharing examples on monitoring women’s land rights:
• Gaby Gomez Garcia confirms that adequate women’s representation and
in land processes is key to transform laws and regulations in reality - and
monitor these
processes - together with the need to identify measurable indicators, and
the use of media,
like the radio and booklets, that can spread more easily tools for ensuring
and monitoring
women’s land rights in rural areas.
• Enrique Ligot, who participated on the Land Portal, as well as on
Wikigender, drawing from
the experience of the Philippines, points out the need to put in place a
critical mass of tools
to make monitoring women’s land rights possible, including gender-sensitive
systems – very interesting! Let us know more! – informing women of their
land rights, so
that they can themselves critically monitor what happen, and informing
other actors. And
also cites the Land Titling Computerization Project (LTCP) as example of
platform that aims
at providing more security to land rights – It would be very interesting to
know also from
others on this project.
On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 4:26 PM, Tim Davies <tim at practicalparticipation.co.uk
> wrote:
> Hello all,
> The lovely folk at the Land Coalition are holding an online dialogue over
> the next few weeks on "Using online platforms to increase access to open
> data and
> share best practices of monitoring women’s land rights" and they have
> asked if the open-development list can take part. The idea is that a number
> of different communities are all exploring shared questions on how digital
> tools play a role in land rights. The questions being explored are below,
> and any insights and answers shared on this list will be collated by the
> Land Coalition team and will inform an in-depth paper to be presented at
> the annual World Bank Land and Poverty Conference, to be held in Washington
> DC from April 8-11 2013. More info at:
> http://landportal.info/content/using-online-platforms-increase-access-open-data-and-share-best-practices-monitoring-women-s
> *Here's the background of the discussion:*
> *"Given the rapid expansion of the internet and the increasing number of
> users, including in the Global South, the full potential of online
> platforms for promoting inclusive consultation of issues of high global
> interest is certainly not yet realised. An online discussion is being
> organised to share views and perspectives on how online platforms could be
> used more creatively and effectively to share experiences on a key area
> where information and lessons learned through various interventions from
> around the world are generally dispersed, that is the area of monitoring
> women’s land rights. The objective of the online discussion is therefore
> twofold: (a) engage a collective reflection on ways of optimitising the use
> of online platforms in efforts to promote equitable and sustainable natural
> governance and social justice; and, (b) to share experiences on approaches
> to monitoring women’s land rights."*
> *And the questions:*
> *
> *
> - Have you used collaborative online platforms to help promote equitable
> access to land and natural resources? Can you share with us an example?
> - To what extent can collaborative online platforms contribute to the
> opening of data? Can you share with us an example?
> - Can you share with us any examples on how can they contribute to
> increasing transparency in land and natural resource governance?
> - For the collaborative online platforms you have used, what have been the
> advantages and drawbacks? What suggestions do you have to improve them?
> Any answers? Share with the list, or over on the land coalition site:
> http://landportal.info/content/using-online-platforms-increase-access-open-data-and-share-best-practices-monitoring-women-s
> More background information on this online dialogue is also attached.
> All best wishes
> Tim
> (*I realise list-traffic has gone up over the last few weeks, and some
> people prefer just to get updates now and then. You can edit your list
> preferences, and choose digest option if you prefer at
> http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/open-development)
> --
> http://www.timdavies.org.uk
> 07834 856 303.
> @timdavies
> Co-director of Practical Participation:
> http://www.practicalparticipation.co.uk
> --------------------------
> Practical Participation Ltd is a registered company in England and Wales -
> #5381958.
07834 856 303.
Co-director of Practical Participation:
Practical Participation Ltd is a registered company in England and Wales -
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