[open-development] FW: Making All Voices Count

Zara Rahman zara.rahman at okfn.org
Tue Sep 16 08:05:16 UTC 2014

Hi Duncan, Joseph - not sure if you've come across the new tool
Detective.io yet, (the beta release was last week, I think!) - but they
have a small database of 'innovative water projects' that you can browse
here:  https://www.detective.io/Adeline/innovative-water-projects

You can see, for example, organisations involved
- and export the data, I think.

Anyway; maybe adding to this collection might be a good way to share the
research, or you could simply build upon data already there for your
research. Hope that helps!


On 15/09/2014 16:22, Duncan Edwards wrote:
> Hi Open Dev-vers!
> One of the research projects funded by Making All Voices Count is
> looking at better understanding what is and isn't working in using
> ICTs for improved rural water supply. The research is being led by
> Joseph Pearce formerly of WaterAid (see email below for more detail)
> -- one element of the research is to compile a comprehensive list of
> initiatives which are using in ICTs for monitoring rural water
> services. It would be great if you could complete the survey
> (https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/R3YH397) with initiatives that you are
> involved with or know about.
> Many thanks,
> Duncan
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Duncan Edwards
> Programme Manager - Research & Evidence Component, Making All Voices Count
> Institute of Development Studies, Brighton BN1 9RE, UK
> Charitable Company No. 877338
> Global Knowledge *for Global Change
> *email: d.edwards at ids.ac.uk <mailto:d.edwards at ids.ac.uk>  tel: +44
> (0)1273 915797 <tel:%2B44%20%280%291273%20915797>
> fax: +44 (0)1273 621202 <tel:%2B44%20%280%291273%20621202>
> Skype: duncan_ed1
> Twitter: @duncan_ids
> <http://twitter.com/duncan_ids>                                 
> Bio: http://www.ids.ac.uk/person/duncan-edwards
> Knowledge Services at IDS:_http://www.ids.ac.uk/go/knowledge-services_
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     *From: *Joseph Pearce <pearce at ircwash.org <mailto:pearce at ircwash.org>>
>     *Subject: Making All Voices Count*
>     *Date: *12 September 2014 14:27:05 BST
>     *To: *Water Point Mapping <rwsn_mapping at dgroups.org
>     <mailto:rwsn_mapping at dgroups.org>>
>     Dear friends,
>     Making All Voices Count is a global initiative that supports
>     innovation, scaling, and research to deepen existing innovations
>     and help harness new technologies to enable citizen engagement and
>     government responsiveness. The initiative is funded by DFID,
>     USAID, SIDA, Open Society Foundation and Omidyar Network, and
>     is implemented by a consortium consisting of Hivos, the Institute
>     of Development Studies and Ushahidi.
>     Earlier this year a small team of researchers from WaterAid, IRC
>     and ITAD submitted a successful application titled 'Testing the
>     waters: how can ICTs for monitoring be strengthened and made more
>     inclusive to achieve greater sustainability for rural water
>     services?'.
>     The aim of the research is to help close the knowledge gap on what
>     works and what doesn't in using ICTs to improve rural water supply
>     sustainability. The research project specifically aims to better
>     understand the non-technological parameters that empower
>     traditional water fetchers and water handlers -- women, girls and
>     boys -- to use ICTs to receive information on and report issues of
>     their concern in a way that provokes a remedial response from
>     government.
>     We are now in Phase 2 of the research, which aims to better
>     understand the factors for success and failure in using ICTs for
>     reporting and taking action on rural water supply service
>     breakdowns by assessing the factors for success and failure
>     between different ICT initiatives. We will do this through
>     systematic comparison of a number of case studies once we have
>     established a comprehensive list of initiatives where ICTs have
>     been used for monitoring rural water services.
>     This is where we are now. We need to collect some basic
>     information about as many monitoring initiatives as possible. And
>     we need your help! Can you take a few moments to complete a short
>     survey to help us populate a list?
>     https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/R3YH397 The information we receive
>     at this stage will inform the next research phases and if we don't
>     get good knowledge here, our outputs will be limited in their
>     potential value to inform future improvements to mapping and
>     monitoring tools and processes.
>     Of course we will share the research findings widely. If you want
>     more information just ask me.
>     Many, many thanks. Have a great weekend!
>     Joseph
>     Joseph Pearce
>     Programme Officer, IRC, The Hague
> This message is for the addressee only and may contain privileged or
> confidential information. If you have received it in error, please
> notify the sender immediately and delete the original. Any views or
> opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not
> necessarily represent those of IDS. Institute of Development Studies
> at the University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9RE Tel: +44 (0)1273 606261;
> Fax: +44 (0)1273 621202 IDS, a charitable company limited by
> guarantee: Registered Charity No. 306371; Registered in England
> 877338; VAT No. GB 350 899914
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Zara Rahman
Open Development Toolkit Lead | skype: zara.rahman | @zararah
Development Initiatives <http://devinit.org> | /Development Initiatives
is committed to ending poverty by 2030/
The Open Knowledge Foundation <http://www.okfn.org> | /Empowering
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