[open-economics] Fwd: Open Knowledge Index @ Open Data Camp

Guo Xu digitalepourpre at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 21:46:43 UTC 2011

Apparently, the mail server had problems forwarding this msg....

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nannette Schliebner <nannette.schliebner at googlemail.com>
Date: 2011/10/25
Subject: Open Knowledge Index @ Open Data Camp
To: open-economics at lists.okfn.org

Dear OpenEcon-List member,

the Open Econonomics Working Group presented the Open Knowledge Index
at the Open Data Camp in Warsaw on 21th October, 2011

We got very positive feedback so let's keep on going. For those of you
who have not joined the project, please check out the website and give
us your opinion: www.openknowledgeindex.com.

Please help us upgrading the index for the next release! The index
ranking reacts sensitive to the missings we have in the data set, most
of them in the legal dimension. In the next release we want to lauch a
more robust measure using the opportunity to integrate new measures
being under construction right now.

We are particularly grateful for any support you can give us in the
following tasks:

1) Extend the data set spatially and over time. Calculate index for
further years and countries.
2) Improve measurement, especially in the legal dimension. (Projects
carried out at the UN and the LSE - working group organized by
Promodros Tsiavos - work on the evaluation of open data legislation
and its implementation.)
3) Create meaningful visualizations with the OK index.

Please contact me or Guo (economics at okfn.org) if you are interested in
joining the project. We will give you detailed information on where
you can find data and information to boost the next release with us.


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