[open-economics] Open Data in Aid and Development stream for OK Festival: update
Johns, Sarah
Sarah.Johns at plan-international.org
Wed Feb 15 16:10:54 UTC 2012
Hello all,
Please find below a summary of the information I’ve collected around the idea of an “Open Data for Aid and Development” stream at OK Festival 2012 (big thank you to everyone who’s contributed/supported this so far!). Apologies for cross-posting and a bit of a long email ...
Three main topics have surfaced:
· IATI (international aid transparency initiative)
· open government/aid data and users in developing countries – accountability, accessibility
· open data and ICTs (information communication technologies).
You’ll also find the complete doc online at http://opengovernmentdata.okfnpad.org/open-development-okfest2012. You’re very welcome to add comments/ideas and to add your name to the supporters list, if you haven’t already.
Kind regards,
Sarah Johns
Publishing Team, Plan International
w: www.plan-international.org
a: Dukes Court, Duke Street, Woking, UK. GU21 5BH
s: sarah.johns.plan
t: @GeoGrr
Proposal for Open Data in Aid and Development ‘stream’ for
Open Knowledge Festival, Helsinki, 17-22 September 2012
Status: Draft proposal
Compiler: sarah.johns at plan-international.org<mailto:sarah.johns at plan-international.org> (@GeoGrr)
- Tim Davies, Practical Participation / AidInfo (@timdavies)
- Mark Herringer, (@markherringer)
- Linda Raftree, Plan International USA (@meowtree)
- Duncan Edwards, Institute of Development Studies, (d.edwards at ids.ac.uk) / duncan_ids
- Matthew O'Reilly, Indigo Trust (@indigotrust)
- Ruth del Campo, Open Aid Register (@openaidreg)
- Claudia Schwegmann, OpenAid @OpenAidGermany
- Emily Kallaur, Development Gateway (@dgateway)
- Rolf Kleef, Open for Change (@rolfkleef and #openforchange)
A. Overview:
In the international aid/development field, there’s lots of initiatives happening around open data/knowledge/research, in tandem with the Open Government initiative. In these days of declining resources and an increasingly volatile climate, sharing data/knowledge is absolutely central to supporting developing countries to protect the rights of their citizens, and to reduce the number of people living in poverty. It is also key in monitoring aid donors spend, and ensuring that the money goes to where it’s needed most.
We'd like to have a space at OKFest to discuss topics around development and open data.
B. Brief:
The track would have 3 different topics. (NB. the bulleted text are notes from contributors, and haven’t been edited so there may be some repetition):
1. International AID Transparency Initiative (IATI)
* It would be good to involve publishers of IATI: particularly MFA in Finland - e.g. to reach out to Finish NGOs working in development and to make use of their data - they should have an interest to advance their open data strategy and to create interest among data users. And they should be able to support the stream logistically and financially.
* IATI: workspace for development of IATI (topics tbc).
* How can the research findings from development research add value to IATI and other aid data?
* How can we get more charitable trusts and foundations to publish via IATI?
* How can we geolocate accurately enough aid activities?
2. Open Government Data and users in developing countries
· Open data and communities/youth: looking at the use of open data by civil society groups and youth groups in developing countries, to support advocacy for change.
· Open data, girls and accessibility: what are the particular issues for girls around accessing and using open data? Are there gender barriers?
· working with open government data related to development issues
· http://townshipmom.org/ pilot project with primary health care organisations. what is the most pressing need for this group? how could an open economics project be established? which open data would be most effective? how best to demonstrate Five Stars of Open Data Engagement.
· Open Data and Community Informatics - we will hopefully have a special issue of the Journal of Community Informatics on open data published which could be used to explore critical challenges in doing open data for development
· Is Open data accessible data? What additional communication channels are needed to engage more rural communities in open government and open development - eg., what about those who are not able to access data due to language/connectivity? is the data that's being opened useful to communities for local level transparency and accountability work? how can grassroots communities be involved in inputting information, especially local tacit knowledge that is not currently available to confirm/contest data that's on OG portals? what about infomediaries at community level?
3. Open Data and ICTs for development
* the intersection of technology, data and the crowd: how can it promote/accelerate sustainable development
* using ICTs and mobile tech to promote access to open data.
* maps tech, open data and social change
* developing great partnerships between development organisations, communities and tech agencies ie Frontline SM or Map Kibera.
· Presentations from attendees who presented at ICT4D 2012.
· Gamifying open development data: engaging end users through online games.
C. Requirements:
To happen, the stream will need:
* A lead coordinator/coordinating group
· Funding!!! - who, how to budget, how much, when it needs to be in place, do OKFN fund it?
· Promotion and communications, invites etc
· Logistics
D. Timing / structure:
* Stream to run over all three days, maybe one day for each topic?
* Hackdays before/after?
E. 2012 events which will support/feed into this stream:
· March: ICT4D 2012, Atlanta, USA
· May: IATI Technical Advisory Group, May 2012
· May tbc: London Aid Open Data hackday (date tbc)
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