[Open-education] Open Textbook Research: Seeking Participants

Danielle Paradis dani.paradis2 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 11 00:38:19 UTC 2013

Hello All,

My name is Danielle Paradis and I am a graduate student at Royal Roads
University pursuing a Master of Arts in Learning and technology. This is a
distance course and this research project is a part of the requirement for
completing my MA. My credentials with Royal Roads University can be
established by contacting my supervisor David Porter at 604.412.7734

I am conducting a survey as a requirement for my Master of Arts in
Education and Technology degree at Royal Roads University. The purpose of
the study is to examine the experiences of instructors in the adoption of
open textbooks.

Open Educational Resources have been defined by the William and Flora
Hewlett Foundation as, “teaching, learning and research resources that
reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual
property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others.”

Open educational resources include full courses, course materials, modules,
textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools,
materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge". Instructors
and librarians can provide very insightful information about their
experiences with the implementation of open education resources. With your
help, we can gain insight into OER and open textbook adoption practices.

If you agree to participate, you will be asked to participate in an
interview (which will take approximately 60-90 minutes and will be
recorded. Participants have the option of selecting either video or voice
chat) regarding your experiences and opinions about OER implementation. The
identifying information you provide will be kept confidential. Neither your
name nor any identifying information will be published, nor will anyone
else be able to see your answers. I will be asking you to respond as an
individual, not as a representative of your institution.

As a participant, you are free to stop the interview at any time. If you
decide to before, during, or after the semi-structured interview, your
qualitative data will not be included in the study results. If you wish to
withdraw from the study during or after they have given the interview, your
interview responses and other data obtained during the interview will not
be included in the research findings, and will be securely destroyed.

Shortly after the interview has been completed, I will send you a copy of
the transcript to give you an opportunity to confirm the accuracy of our
conversation and to add or clarify any points. After completing the
interview there will be a debrief letter and contact information should you
wish to ask questions of request the results of the research.

Data collected during this study will be retained for up to two years in
secure storage to which only the principal researcher associated with this
project will have access. There are no known or anticipated risks to you as
a participant in this study.

If you would like more information about the research, or to be made aware
of the results of the research, please contact Danielle Paradis at
Danielle.paradis at royalroads.ca.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to your involvement.

Attached you will find the informed consent form. Please sign and return to
me. After that, we will find a mutually agreeable time to perform the

Danielle Paradis
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