[Open-education] Collaborate on the Open Education Handbook

Marieke Guy marieke.guy at okfn.org
Tue Oct 22 09:59:19 UTC 2013

Dear All,

We have now moved our Open Education Handbook content to Booktype to 
enable collaboration and further writing.

If you'd like to take a look at what we have and start contributing 
content then please read our recent blog post 
The post gives some guidance on how we define open in the handbook, and 
also some pointers on how you can contribute. We will be writing more 
posts on areas that we need help with over the forthcoming months.

We will be running a second booksprint in Berlin on 22nd November - more 
details to follow.

So please do start writing ;-)




Marieke Guy
LinkedUp <%3Fhttp://linkedup-project.eu/%3F> Project Community 
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