[Open-education] Creative industries not harmed by digital sharing, report finds

jim kelly jkelly952 at sbcglobal.net
Sat Oct 12 17:53:26 UTC 2013

How true "*“There is a need [to] foster recognition and economic reward for 
creators *..." The OER community needs to be able to recognize  Original 
educational resources being made available in OER form, from Old 
educational resources being made available in OER form. 

On Thursday, October 10, 2013 3:01:19 PM UTC-7, Cable Green wrote:
> http://www.lse.ac.uk/newsAndMedia/news/archives/2013/09/CreativeIndustries.aspx
> Creative industries not harmed by digital sharing, report finds 
> [image: copyright-113x148] 
> A new report released by LSE’s Media Department contradicts widespread 
> claims about the decline of creative industries as a result of copyright 
> infringement. 
> The report shows that the gaming, film and publishing industries are 
> growing and new business models are emerging based on digital sharing. 
> For some in the creative industries, copyright infringement may actually 
> be helping boost their revenues, the report finds. 
> Industry data shows that while the music industry has stagnated somewhat 
> in the last four years, since 1998 it has experienced overall growth with 
> internet-based revenues as a significant component since 2004. In the UK, 
> online sales now exceed CDs or vinyl as a percentage of total revenue for 
> recorded music. 
> Bart Cammaerts, Senior Lecturer in the LSE Department of Media and 
> Communications and one of the report’s authors, said: 
> *“**Contrary to the industry claims, the music industry is not in 
> terminal decline, but still holding ground and showing healthy profits. 
> Revenues from digital sales, subscription services, streaming and live 
> performances compensate for the decline in revenues from the sale of CDs or 
> records**.”* 
> Citing the big rise in the use of Creative Common Licenses, the report 
> points to the ways that some creative industries are making use of, and 
> profiting from, the digital culture that relies on access, sharing and 
> co-creating. 
> Its authors warn that some measures aimed at strict enforcement of 
> traditional copyright regimes may stifle innovation and growth.   
> *“**Neither the creative industry nor governments can put a stop to 
> cultural change that is global and in many cases welcomed, including by 
> other segments of industry,**”* said LSE’s Professor Robin Mansell, 
> another author of the report, adding: 
> *“There is a need foster recognition and economic reward for creators and 
> there is a need for copyright legislation to underpin economic growth. But 
> such legislation needs to be consistent with 21st century values and 
> practices.”*   
> The report looks at evidence from other countries that have implemented 
> strict enforcement measures against individual copyright infringers and 
> finds conflicting data on the impact of this enforcement. The authors 
> conclude that more independent evidence on the claimed positive impacts for 
> the creative industries of such measures is needed before the expressive 
> and other rights of citizens at put at risk. 
> The Report is freely available <http://bit.ly/18F7Vr6> on the blog of the 
> LSE Media Policy Project. 
>  *Notes to editors* 
> *The Media Policy Project is based in the Department of Media and 
> Communications at the London School of Economics and Political Science. It 
> aims to establish a deliberative relationship between policy makers, civil 
> society actors, media professionals and relevant media research.* 
> For more information or enquiries please contact: Sally Broughton Micova, 
> Research Officer, LSE Media Policy Project at 020 3486 2834 or 0790 485 
> 2037 s.e.brough... at lse.ac.uk <javascript:> 
> 30 September 2013 
> -- 
> Cable Green, PhD
> Director of Global Learning
> Creative Commons
> @cgreen <http://twitter.com/cgreen>
> http://creativecommons.org/education
> * reuse, revise, remix & redistribute*
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