[Open-education] Fwd: introduction

miska knapek miska at knapek.org
Tue Sep 24 13:22:54 UTC 2013

Hello everyone,

Yes, very cool to see so many active people.

I'm not sure I quite live up to the good doings of the rest of you.

I'm Miska Michael Knapek, an information/visualisation/interface designer
from Denmark/Czech Republic, living in Helsinki, and am involved with the
Finnish Open Knowledge Foundation chapter ( http://fi.okfn.org/ ). Most
recently I've worked doing interfaces to machine learning based data
analyses, and run workshops about visualising open data (..erhmm.. also
experimentally sometimes
http://data-cuisine.net/open-data-cooking-workshop-helsinki/ ) .

I've been quite interested in the social and technical details of making an
open society. In making an open society, of course, education is key. So
I'm very interested to hear what the Open Education group does.

While I only recently heard of the LinkedUp project, I've had some similar
I'm also not too far from the Media Lab Helsinki's Learning Environment's
Group ( http://legroup.aalto.fi/ )  - I used to study at the same
department and am touch with them frequently -  who investigate and develop
various open learning environments, and can at least act as a link to these
as relevant ( they're slightly "busy academics", but said the Open
Education group sounded rather interesting, looking forward to hearing more
from me).

Looking forward to seeing how things unfold here, I'm sure they'll be great


miska michael knapek - your local illusionist (designer)
mob. +358-50-320-2616
web: http://knapek.org
animations: http://vimeo.com/miska
images: http://flickr.com/miska_too/sets
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