[Open-education] Introduction

Pat Lockley patrick.lockley at googlemail.com
Wed Sep 25 21:31:23 UTC 2013

Hello, Ola, Bonjour

A brief history of me and open

Nottingham Uni
-- Xpert www.nottingham.ac.uk/xpert (big search engine of "open" resources)
-- Xpert attribution www.nottingham.ac.uk/xpert/attribution/ allows you to
search for and attribute open pictures

Oxford Uni
-- Politics In Spires -- politicsinspires.org Politics blog - now CC-BY-SA
-- Great Writers -- writersinspire.org lots of CC OER on famous writers
-- World War One Centenary -- ww1centenary.oucs.ox.ac.uk lots of ww1
resources, open data, git stuff and WP plugins

Uni of London
-- Just finished running a coursera MOOC - which is now open at
http://lawsfolio.londoninternational.ac.uk/eclmooc (and cc licensed)

Open Attribute (making attribution easy)
-- Wrote Chrome and Opera browser plugins
-- Wrote WordPress plugins (3) and help maintain the Drupal plugin

Lots of other Open things
-- Openjoyce.com - lots of open resources and tools on James Joyce
-- Humabirdproject.org - sort of open digital humanities research tool

Probably forgotten something, but hey ho

Lots of open stuff.

Welcome everyone and hello

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