[Open-education] European Commission adopts "Opening Up Education" & launches Open Education Europa
simonfj at cols.com.au
Thu Sep 26 23:17:53 UTC 2013
Just a couple of notes as you seem to think there's something new here. As
it says in "About us" this has been going since 2002 at
elearningeuropa.info They've just renovated the original site, again, and
stuck it in the .eu domain because there's an aggregation going on as the
various EC's Directorate Generals are beginning to collaborate, around
specific categories. i.e. Education in this case.
Notice how the site has 2 "Home" links on the navigation bar? The main one
goes back to http://ec.europa.eu/ (the EC's front page). So there have been
loads of discussions going on over the years with, what is now the "DG
Connect" guys. The site ( ec.europa.eu ) is run by the Communication
department of the European Commission<http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/communication/index_en.htm>on behalf of the EU institutions.
I'm only belabouring this because there are so many of these kinds of
portals thoughout the EC domain, and your discussion with this portal - to
provide a link to an education about CC - might have a bigger impact if we
can have the DG connect guys thinking about doing the same on this page<http://europa.eu/abouteuropa/index_en.htm>.
They'd have to create a "CC-by-default" policy for all the ec's silo's
sites, which would mean that EC member sites.gov would have to follow.
So you might end up, as with the EC's "Cookie" policy, changing things very
fast (after all the talk fests of course). So please keep us informed as
you "contact" the guys inside this portal. The biggest prob in all of this
is, as wayne says at the OERu seminar, getting the conversations above the
radar, so the internal and external comms can get some alignment, around a
category, and share the learning
As for the (OERu) *open learning environmen*t. Well, openeducationeuropa.eu
is one ec designed version. Not bad, even if it is in only 23 languages.
cheers, si
On Wednesday, 25 September 2013 19:36:26 UTC+1, Cable Green wrote:
> Greetings Open Colleagues:
> Apologies for the cross posting(s). I've pulled together information here
> from various lists re: the wonderful OER news in Europe.
> - The European Commission has just adopted its new "Opening up
> Education" initiative: http://www.openeducationeuropa.eu/en/initiative
> - Press release: *
> http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-13-859_en.htm*
> - Document: http://ec.europa.eu/education/news/doc/openingcom_en.pdf
> - The "Open Education Europa" web site was also launched today: http://www.openeducationeuropa.eu
> - note: the CC BY license on the site and the "filter by license"
> feature when searching for resources
> Well done, Europe!
> Cable
> *PS - Creative Commons will work with the new **"Open Education Europa"
> web site **to get the CC BY license linked to the open license deed<http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/>and properly
> marked <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Marking/Creators> with
> machine-readable meta-data.*
> --
> Cable Green, PhD
> Director of Global Learning
> Creative Commons
> @cgreen <http://twitter.com/cgreen>
> http://creativecommons.org/education
> * reuse, revise, remix & redistribute*
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