[Open-education] [Friday Question] Financial Support for OER Open Education list?

Raniere Silva raniere at riseup.net
Fri Apr 25 11:52:36 UTC 2014

Folks from open-science mail list start to talk [1] about how much money are spend
to get access to close journals. They already post some information about
Netherlands [2] and Brazil [3].

- How much are spend at your country with closed educational resources? I know
  that this is hard to find but even a lower approximation could be useful.
- Do your country has any program to support OER? How they manage it?


[1] https://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/open-science/20140424/003234.html
[2] https://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/open-science/20140425/003244.html
[3] https://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/open-science/20140425/003246.html

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