[Open-education] P2PU and College Unbound Team Up to Offer Writing Course on Social Change

Rebecca Kahn bekka at p2pu.org
Wed Aug 6 17:19:50 UTC 2014

P2PU has teamed up with the  College Unbound <http://collegeunbound.org/>,
to offer an 8-week course on Writing for Change
<http://writing4change.p2pu.org/>. The goal of the course is to help
learners accomplish social change through op-eds, grants and proposals.
This course is for anyone who needs to write in order to accomplish social
good in their communities. If you’re familiar with organizations like Public
the Center for Social Innovation <http://nyc.socialinnovation.org/>, Summer
Search <https://www.summersearch.org/> or the Open Coalition
<https://wikimedia.org.uk/wiki/Open_Coalition>--non-profits or social
enterprises that have a passion to change the world--then this is your crew.

 At the end of the course, learners will have a finished project that’s
been polished by a crew of like-minded folks. Featured writers include Sarah
Mirk <http://mirkwork.wordpress.com/> of Bitch Media, Alexandrina Agloro
of the University of Southern California and more.

*P2PU + College Unbound*P2PU is a Hewlett Grantee <http://www.hewlett.org/>
studying “Academic Mindsets
<http://www.mindsetworks.com/go/academic-mindsets/>”-- building learning
communities that are robust, personal, and create a sense of belonging.
Previous experiments in this area include Learning Creative Learning
<http://learn.media.mit.edu/> with the MIT Media Lab, and Play With Your
Music <http://www.playwithyourmusic.org/> with Dr. Alex Ruthmann at NYU.

College Unbound's goal is to support first-generation college students in a
project-based program that is relevant to their lives. Students--among them
previously incarcerated, single-moms and other marginalized peoples--earn
an accredited degree via civic engagement projects and real-life
experience. We’re very excited to be working together--Adam and I are both
passionate about opening access to learning, which means more than just
opening the door. It means making the subject relevant to your life,
creating a safe environment for vulnerability and trusting your peers. Both
College Unbound and P2PU are working to thoughtfully reconsider the
university--in terms of inclusion, diversity, community and projects.

*Nuts and Bolts*The goal is to bring about social change in an area that is
personally important to you. Each week will have a reading piece and a
writing piece. We’ll start with your personal biography and establish why
you care about this issue. The P2PU social learning design will be an
integral part of the course. Initially you’ll come together via the
Discourse community around the *issue *you are passionate about, then later
you’ll work with folks who have a similar *project* to you

*Sounds Great, Where Do I Sign Up?*You can get started here:
http://writing4change.p2pu.org/.  Signup is open now, and we’ll get started
in earnest on August 15. But feel free to poke around before then.
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