[Open-education] Is there still an OER movement?

Mick FM mick at flossmanuals.net
Fri Aug 22 09:52:04 UTC 2014

On 22/08/14 09:44, Marieke Guy wrote:
> One talk I attended at OER14 was about how OER is moving away from
> something academia does to something that is led by practioners. The
> talk was called When two worlds don’t collide: the marginalisation of
> open educational practices outside academia
> <http://www.medev.ac.uk/oer14/87/view/> and used the example of OERs
> created about autism by autism experts and doctors (not academics). 
> Again maybe this isn't a movement, but it could make for a sustainable
> model.
> I suppose there is a question to be asked about whether there needs to
> actually be a movement as such or whether OER work is about something
> more practical - getting appropriate, open licensed resources to those
> who need them. So do we need a community of practice rather than a
> movement?

That's a good article!

It does feel like all the research does suggest that it's time for OER
to get real and become an embedded tool for communities of practice.

So has the research end of OER movement achieved it's aims? If so, it's
still seems like there is a big gap between the theory and the practice

For example, at Wednesday's session for Duct Tape Uni in the evaluation
at the end of the day, one of the community media trainers who was very
experienced, shared that one of his take-aways from the session was that
he was happy to have learned about OER and that there were searchable
repositories available. This was news to him.

It feels that there's is a big disconnection between innovative / trendy
areas of open education and the coal-face work of outreach and
implementation. I guess that's the conclusion of the article above. I'd
be interested to know more about projects working to address this.

So another question for you guys.

Are edu-punk innovators who jump the OER ship to move on to new
territories before finishing the job helping or harming open education?

nice one,

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