[Open-education] Education Open Data Challenge - Nesta / ODI - Closes 1st March

Ed Parkes Ed.Parkes at nesta.org.uk
Tue Feb 4 09:50:28 UTC 2014

Applications are open for a chance to win up to £50,000 in our Education Open Data Challenge - Deadline 1st March 2014

The Open Data Institute and Nesta are currently running an Education Open Data Challenge where we are making available new open data and also piloting secure access for a group of parents to their child's to the National Pupil Database. We are looking for teams to work with this data to create products and solutions to help parents make informed choices about their children's education in one (or more) of three key areas:

  1.  Expressing a preference for a school
  2.  Choosing a subject or other learning priorities
  3.  Engaging with their children’s learning

Whether helping parents to better understand how their child is performing compared to others; enabling them to raise challenging issues at parents’ evening, or supporting them to understand which local schools or GCSE subjects are most suited to their child, this challenge has the potential to ensure parents bridge the ‘home – education’ gap and ultimately improve their child’s chances of success in life beyond school. We are inviting teams to compete with each other using open data to create a range of tools that help parents with:

  1.  Expressing a preference for a school
  2.  Choosing a subject or other learning priorities
  3.  Engaging with their children’s learning

Check out the data and submit your project idea below if you want the chance to win up to £50,000.

How to get involved

  *   Read details of the challenge: http://www.nesta.org.uk/project/open-data-challenge-series/Education-Open-Data-Challenge
  *   Sign up to the CollabFinder group: http://collabfinder.com/groups/education-open-data-challenge-series
  *   Post your project idea below or join an existing project
  *   Get invited to come to our Creation Weekend on 15th + 16th March where teams will build their ideas then pitch to win an initial £5,000 prize. After testing their ideas for three months one team will win £50k to fully launch!

Please do get involved. If you have any queries relating to this please drop me an email.



Ed Parkes | Senior Programme Manager - Open Data | Centre for Challenge Prizes, Nesta | t: +44(0)20 7438 2530 | m: +44(0)7792 303 486 | @edtparkes

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For more information about the Open Data Challenges we’re running throughout 2014 please follow us on Twitter - @odchallenges


1 Plough Place

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