[Open-education] Portuguese Translation of Open Education Handbook
Marieke Guy
marieke.guy at okfn.org
Mon Jan 6 12:33:01 UTC 2014
Dear All,
Exciting news!!
On January 20th, as part of Education Freedom Day
<http://www.educationfreedomday.org>, the Open Education Handbook will
be translated and adapted to Portuguese. The translation will take place
from 11am -- 7pm GMT on Monday 20th January (2 days after Education
Freedom day). It will be conducted locally at the Digital Culture of
Campinas, Brazil with remote participation from other interested parties.
The translation will be led by Raniere Silva (from the Open Knowledge
Foundation Brazil), Tel Amiel (from the Educação Aberta research group
at UNICAMP) and Ricardo Panaggio (Mozilla Webmaker community member),
with support from the Open Education Working Group.
If you are interested in helping with the translation efforts and live
close to Campinas/São Paulo/Brazil you can come along on the day. If
you'd like to help and can speak Portuguese but aren't local then please
email Raniere on raniere at riseup.net <mailto:raniere at riseup.net> for more
Full details are given on the Open Education Working Group website
Marieke Guy
LinkedUp <http://linkedup-project.eu/> Project Community Coordinator |
skype: mariekeguy | tel: 44 (0) 1285 885681 | @mariekeguy
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