[Open-education] Hangout on OpenCourseWare authoring with SlideWiki on Jan 21, 15:00 CET

Sören Auer auer at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Sat Jan 11 10:47:57 UTC 2014

Dear all,

On January 21st at 15:00 we are organizing a hangout introducing


SlideWiki.org is a platform for OpenCourseWare authoring and publishing.
Similar as Wikipedia allows the collaborative authoring of encyclopedic
texts, GitHub of sourceode or OpenStreetMaps of maps, SlideWiki enables
communities to create comprehensive open educational resources.
SlideWiki is open-source software and all content in SlideWiki is Open
Knowledge. In this hangout we want to introduce SlideWiki's rich feature
set and explain how SlideWiki can be used for educational projects and

We aim to make SlideWiki an official OKF Germany project and would also
be excited to see other OKF projects (such as School of Data and/or the
various handbooks on open data, journalism etc.) using SlideWiki for

Would be great if you joined the hangout. Meanwhile feel free to play
with SlideWiki (http://SlideWiki.org) and to look at the documentation

On behalf of the SlideWiki team,


Enterprise Information Systems, Computer Science, University of Bonn

Fraunhofer Institute Intelligent Analysis & Information Systems (IAIS)
Organized Knowledge -- http://www.iais.fraunhofer.de

Skype: soerenauer, Mobile +4915784988949


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