[Open-education] Net Neutrality course

Laura Hilliger laura at mozillafoundation.org
Tue Jul 29 10:24:59 UTC 2014

Hi everyone,

I’ve been sending the below to some other lists, so I apologize if you’ve received it else where already!

Mozilla’s Net Neutrality course starts August 4th, and we need help from "activated participants”.  Think of this as Teaching Assistant role, being in the course providing help, feed back, encouragement and interaction. If you feel like you don’t fit the profile, please do join in and make and share around the issue of Net Neutrality!

Basically, we need people who know about Net Neutrality and/or open learning and culture to help us engage participants. Online learning can feel lonely if their isn’t constant and engaging interactions. We are asking people to be at the center of their learning, but that still needs support and for most people a new way to learn.

As an activated participant you would simply have open discussions in the course discussion forum (helping answer questions, posting topics you want to see discussed) and making stuff and posting in the forum to encourage participation, feedback and discussion. You won’t be alone!

The more people we engage, the more we ensure this is a success for our own goals and more importantly help us have impact on the ideas and activities we care about in the world.

Can we count you in?

If you have questions about this or just want to chat about Webmaker Training, we’ll be holding a special session on Thursday, July 31 at 10am pacific. You can call in at 18007072533 password 369 extension 7654, or just join in the etherpad: http://mzl.la/1omRY1e

Finally, to make sure you stay updated, please sign up here



	Laura Hilliger
Training & Curriculum Lead
Mozilla Foundation

Email: laura at mozillafoundation.org
Twitter: @epilepticrabbit

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