[Open-education] Fwd: Wikipedia education events

Marieke Guy marieke.guy at okfn.org
Tue May 20 13:47:11 UTC 2014

FYI Some of you may be interested in the forthcoming Wikipedia events 
that are taking place before Wikimania in London in the Summer.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Open Data Weekend
Date: 	Tue, 20 May 2014 14:44:58 +0100
From: 	Fabian Tompsett <fabian.tompsett at wikimedia.org.uk>
To: 	christoph at derndorfer.eu, p.krause at surrey.ac.uk, 
a.aldaej at surrey.ac.uk, tomsalmon at yahoo.com, dietze at l3s.de, 
marieke.guy at okfn.org, daniela.mattern at it3s.org

Hi all,

Here are the details of the upcoming Wikimania 2014 
<https://wikimania2014.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page> event and the 
pre-event workshops:

  * *24–25 May* *Social Machines Weekend
  * *7–8 June* *Free Culture Weekend
  * *21–22 June* *Future of Education Workshop
  * *5–6 July* *Open Data Weekend
  * *19–20 July* *Open Scholarship Weekend

The pre-events are designed to help make sure that we have networks of 
people active in these five theme areas before hand so that we can all 
get the most out of Wikimania.

It would be great to see you all at some of the events, and the 
Wikimania festival as well.

all the best

Fabian Tompsett,
Wikimania Support Team,
Wikimedia UK,
Address: 56-64 Leonard St,
London EC2A 4LT
Phone:020 7065 0991

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