[Open-education] Friday Chat: Open data in education

Marieke Guy marieke.guy at okfn.org
Fri May 9 13:09:49 UTC 2014

Hi Otavio,

Some great questions.

These are definitely the sort of discussions we'd like fed in to the 
Open Education Handbook 
we are collaboratively writing - see the section on open data - it needs 
a lot more work. I tried to sum up some of the current initiatives in a 
post on open education data 

I can point you to a few posts we've had that start to look at what open 
education can achieve:

  * http://education.okfn.org/open-education-holland/ - Alette Baartmans
    talked about activities that Open State has been leading as part of
    the Open Education Data Network.
  * http://education.okfn.org/open-education-tanzania/ - Ben Taylor
    wrote about  Shule.info which uses open education data from the
    Tanzanian government to compare Form Four exam results

There is also the Education Open Data Challenge 
<http://theodi.org/education-open-data-challenge-series> from the ODI, 
which is competition looking specifically at this area. Is the World 
bank SABER Project <http://saber.worldbank.org/index.cfm> doing 
something similar to the OECD GPS project?

I'm sure people can point to a lot more activity and debate that's going 
on. Long-term I'd like to see some sort of data census (similar to the 
Open data index <https://index.okfn.org>) going on.


On 09/05/2014 13:06, Otavio Ritter wrote:
> Dear All,
> My name is Otavio Ritter and I am a researcher at the Getulio Vargas 
> Foundation (an university) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
> I am working on a paper doing a comparative analysis of school open 
> data use in England and Brazil and the availability (transparency) of 
> government information related to primary/secondary education area.
> My intent is to focus on administrative data (including pupil/social 
> data) and its externalities: schools (pupil data analysis), parents 
> (choice), community (social accountability/active 
> engagement), government (policy outcome analysis), innovation (open 
> data products, hackathons, civil entrepreneurs).
> I would be interested in data-oriented debates like  "where the 
> education money goes? what is the cost per pupil?", "what is my school 
> quality or outcome?", "Who sponsor academies? With how much public 
> money?", "Schools in my area have social stratification?", and other 
> examples to foster accountability, better public policy planning and 
> evaluation, and analysis within an area that is critical for all 
> countries in the world.
> For instance Education GPS from OECD is a initial effort to create 
> this debate using open data within education. 
> http://gpseducation.oecd.org/
> I saw that this group has a lot of information and debate about Open 
> Education Resource (OER) but I would like to propose the discussion 
> about incentives, uses, externalities, unintended consequences of 
> publishing/releasing open data in the education system (specially 
> within primary/secondary levels).
> What say you ?
> Best Regards from Brazil!
> Otavio Ritter
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Marieke Guy
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