[Open-education] Research Assistant/Associate at the Knowledge Media Institute, Open University for the European Data Science Academy

John Domingue john.domingue at open.ac.uk
Mon Nov 3 12:27:42 UTC 2014

[Apologies for cross posting]

Deadline for Applications December 8th 2014.
See http://kmi.open.ac.uk/jobs/#10794 for more details and application form

Declared by Harvard Business Review as the “sexiest job of the 21st century”, data science skills are becoming a key asset to maintain European competitiveness in a global market. Data scientists are, however, a rare breed, e.g. well-known McKinsey study estimated already in 2011 that the United States will soon require 60 percent more graduates able to handle large amounts of data as part of their daily jobs.

The new EU funded project the European Data Science Academy (edsa-project.eu<http://edsa-project.eu>) will address this problem in three ways:

- Demand analysis: through interviews of focused groups and trend mining tools scrutinizing thousands of job descriptions and technology blogs, we will gain a thorough understanding of the industrial requirements at the European level.

- Data science curricula: high-quality, multilingual and multimodal training materials (eBooks, slides, video lectures, online demonstrators and showcases, data sets, online courses) that will be usable on different platforms.

- Training delivery and learning analytics: To maximize outreach we will make use of some of the most popular training delivery platforms worldwide, including VideoLectures.NET<http://VideoLectures.NET> and iTunes U. A suite of machine learning tools will provide an analytics dashboard ensuring that we deliver positive targeted learning experiences.

Any queries about the post can be directed to me.



Deputy Director, Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University
Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK
phone: 0044 1908 653800, fax: 0044 1908 653169
email: john.domingue at open.ac.uk<mailto:j.b.domingue at open.ac.uk> web: kmi.open.ac.uk/people/domingue/<http://kmi.open.ac.uk/people/domingue/>

President, STI International
Amerlingstrasse 19/35, Austria - 1060 Vienna
phone: 0043 1 23 64 002 - 16, fax: 0043 1 23 64 002-99
email: john.domingue at sti2.org<mailto:john.domingue at sti2.org>  web: www.sti2.org<http://www.sti2.org/>

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