[Open-education] US State Dept. Grant: CC BY 4.0: 2015 E-Teacher Scholarship Program

Cable Green cable at creativecommons.org
Sun Apr 12 05:31:56 UTC 2015

Positive open policy / OER news!

The US State Department's "FY 2015 E-Teacher Scholarship Program" requires
CC BY 4.0 on all grant courses and materials.


USD $2,500,000

Text excerpts from the two docs attached:


*(1) final fy15 e teacher nofo*

   - All courses will be licensed using open copyright guidelines through
   the use of the Creative Commons Attribution License, version 4.0 or later
   (CC BY), to ensure that this award will have a significant multiplier
   effect, be cost-effective, and that it will encourage innovation in the
   development of new learning materials. More information on participants and
   regional groupings can be found in Section A.5) Participants and further
   information on CC BY licenses is in Section A.4) Program Administration.

   - The recipient organization will ensure all online courses are
   available in the public domain through the use of the Creative Commons
   Attribution License, version 4.0 or later. As a condition of signing an
   E-Teacher Scholarship Program cooperative agreement, the recipient
   organization will be required to license to the public all work (except for
   computer software source code) created with the support of the cooperative
   agreement and any subawards under an open copyright license, including
   new content created using subaward funds, modifications made to
   subrecipient-owned content using subaward funds, and new works and
   modifications made to pre-existing works commissioned from third parties
   using subaward funds. An open copyright license allows subsequent users
   to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt the copyrighted work and requires
   such users to attribute the work in the manner specified by the grantee.
   Notice of the license shall be affixed to the work. For general information
   on the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY), please visit http://

      - *note: CC BY does not "ensure all online courses are available in
      the public domain" - I will contact the State Department and suggest they
      correct this text to: "*

*The recipient organization will ensure all online courses are available to
      the public through the use of the Creative Commons Attribution License,
      version 4.0 or later." *
   - 2. Technical Oversight Requirements:
      - c. Determine the types of Open Educational Resources to be
      implemented by the recipient.
      - d. Approve all CC BY licensing in subawards providing online

      - 3. Technical Oversight:
   - b) Coordinate with ECA/A/L and Creative Commons to ensure courses and
      materials are accessible under the designated Creative Commons
      License, version 4.0 or later.
      - d) Oversee the research, development, and production of Open
      Educational Resources (OER) for English language learning in response to
      the articulated needs of ECA/A/L; coordinate and support the
      deployment of these resources overseas, including the purchase
and shipment
      of equipment, as necessary; and manage professional development
      to allow educators to use these products most effectively abroad.
      - e) Draft and clear all public advertisements, newsletters, course
      syllabi, handouts, course materials, webpage, and any OER materials
      with ECA/A/L before dissemination to ensure proper identification
      with the U.S. Department of State, including adherence to ECA/A/L
      guidelines. Please see D.3e.1. Communications Guidance for ECA Grant
      Recipients for further information.

*(2) fy15 e teacher pogi*

   - The recipient and subrecipients will collaborate with ECA/A/L and
   Creative Commons to license all online courses with a Creative Commons
   Attribution License, version 4.0 or higher (CC BY) to ensure that this
   award will have a significant multiplier effect, be cost-effective, and
   that it will encourage innovation in the development of new learning
   materials. As a condition of the E-Teacher Scholarship Program cooperative
   agreement, the recipient organization will be required to license to the
   public all work (except for computer software source code, discussed below)
   created with the support of the cooperative agreement and any subawards
   under the CC BY license. Work that must be licensed in this manner includes
   new content created using subaward funds, modifications made to
   subrecipient-owned content using subaward funds, and new works and
   modifications made to pre-existing works commissioned from third parties
   using subaward funds. This license will allow subsequent users to copy,
   distribute, transmit, and adapt the copyrighted work and will require such
   users to attribute the work in the manner specified by the award recipient.
   Notice of the license shall be affixed to the work. For general information
   on CC BY, please visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0. The
   recipient may also contract with Creative Commons for services such as
   technical assistance, implementation and on-going maintenance associated
   with CC BY licensing.

   - E-Teacher Scholarship Program—Open Educational Resources (OER)
   At the direction of ECA/A/L, the recipient organization will create
   openly accessible online English language teaching and learning tools which
   may include, but are not limited to, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs),
   webinars, communities of practice, digital libraries, and other virtual
   methods of learning. Open educational resources (OER) are teaching,
   learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have
   been released under an intellectual property license that permits their
   free use and re-purposing by others. OER includes full courses, course
   materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any
   other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge.
   OER may be enriched by utilizing E-Teacher alumni in roles such as a
   facilitator of a webinar or as a contributor to a community of practice.
   The recipient organization should be able to accommodate ECA/A/L’s
   request for OERs as needed at any time throughout the cooperative
   agreement. This flexibility is necessary for ECA/A/L to work with the
   recipient to fill a critical need that may arise that could be addressed
   through the use of an OER. OER should offer innovative ways to provide
   additional e-learning opportunities.

   - The proposal should address each of the four areas outlined above:
   Global Online Courses, Regional and Country-specific Online Course
   Offerings, Data Management, and Open Educational Resources.


A special thanks to CC and CC US staff who helped advise the US State
Department on model open policy language.


*PS - please tweet: US State Dept E-Teacher Scholarship Program requires
@CreativeCommons CC BY 4.0 on grant materials: http://ow.ly/Luv3e
<http://ow.ly/Luv3e> #OER #openpolicy*

Cable Green, PhD
Director of Global Learning
Creative Commons
@cgreen <http://twitter.com/cgreen>
*reuse, revise, remix, redistribute** & retain*
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