[Open-education] Digital Skills for Collaborative OER Development (DS4OER)

Pat Lockley (Pgogy) info at pgogywebstuff.com
Mon Apr 13 13:36:20 UTC 2015

Hello All

** apologies for cross posting, or if this post makes you cross **

Below is an email from Wayne Mackintosh (Director OER Foundation and 
UNESCO/COL/ICDE Chair in OER) sent to a few other lists


We're pleased to launch the prototype offering of the Digital Skills for 
Collaborative OER Development (DS4OER) course today.

The OERu envisions a world where all learners will have more affordable 
access to higher education.

The DS4OER course was developed to build capacity in the design and 
development of open online courses using OER. A key feature of this 
course is the ability for any educator to host their own course site 
using the popular open source WordPress content management system 
assembled from a collection of wiki pages authored openly and 

We acknowledge the funding support of the New Zealand National 
Commission for UNESCO which has supported the development of the course 
materials and the open source technologies we are using to enable 
educators around the world to widen access to open online courses using 

If you wan't to learn how to do this, come join us at: 
http://ds4oer.oeru.org or pop in to say hi on the aggregated course 
feed.  You can post using the #DS4OER tag.

As a prototype, we apologise in advance for any teething problems but 
hope that your feedback will help us to improve.

We are widening options for educators around the world to create and 
host their own open online courses using open source software.


For those looking at this at a larger level, this course is importing 
collaboratively authored mediawiki content (from WikiEducator) into a 
WordPress host (where it has been remixed and repurposed)

(for disclosure purposes I helped with some of the WordPress on this 

Pgogy Webstuff

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