[Open-education] Going open with Lang OER - the handbook

Atenas, Javiera j.atenas at ucl.ac.uk
Thu Dec 17 12:39:40 UTC 2015

Dear OER fellows

An interesting handbook has been published by the Lang OER team which is a really valuable resource that can be used to support training and workshops in the creation and use of OER as contains really good ideas, strategies and explanations of understand OER and how to use it.

The authors, Malgorzata Kurek and Anna Skowron summarise the content of the book as follows

This handbook is a compilation of tasks and materials used in the online teacher training course on Open Educational Resources that we taught in Fall 2014 as part of the EU-funded project LangOER. The handbook includes all the major tasks and materials, namely

  *   ?  texts
  *   ?  instructions
  *   ?  topics for discussion and reflective practice
  *   ?  links to videos and other media to watch and learn from;
  *   ?  links to online tools we used and instructions on how to use them.

And divide the handbook in 4 modules

  *   Module 1 - The basics of licensing
  *   Module 2 - Reusing and revising
  *   Module 3 - Redistributing
  *   Module 4 - Remixing

Hope this is useful for you and your colleagues, it can make a nice Christmas present for those  you are aiming to engage in the use of OER

Best wishes and happy holidays


Dr. Javiera Atenas
HEA Fellow
UCL School of Management
Gower St, London, WC1E 6BT
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