[Open-education] [OER] Open Textbook: 100+ Activities for Motivating and Retaining Learners Online
nbalu1954 at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 1 12:58:11 UTC 2015
Dear Friends,
Greetings from India. It is my honour and pleasure to express my heartiest Happy New Year Greetings. Hope, the New Year 2015 will bring all properity, peace and happiness to your goodself as well as to all your family members.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely yours,
Dept. of Education,
Bharathiar University,
Coimbatore 641 046,
Tamil Nadu,
914222423757 (Res.)
Mobile:+91 9443703756
On Wed, 31/12/14, Cable Green <cable at creativecommons.org> wrote:
Subject: [OER] Open Textbook: 100+ Activities for Motivating and Retaining Learners Online
To: "Educause Openness Constituent Group" <OPENNESS at listserv.educause.edu>, "OER Advocacy Coalition" <oer-advocacy-coalition at googlegroups.com>, "OER-DISCUSS at JISCMAIL.AC.UK" <OER-DISCUSS at jiscmail.ac.uk>, "OER Forum" <oer-forum at lists.esn.org.za>, "Open Educaton @ OKFN" <open-education at lists.okfn.org>, "OPENEDSIG at JISCMAIL.AC.UK" <OPENEDSIG at jiscmail.ac.uk>
Cc: "Bonk, Curtis Jay" <cjbonk at indiana.edu>, "Elaine Khoo (ekhoo at waikato.ac.nz)" <ekhoo at waikato.ac.nz>, "Seth White" <sethwhite123 at gmail.com>
Date: Wednesday, 31 December, 2014, 1:26 AM
late Holiday gift from friends Curt Bonk &
Elaine Khoo: http://tec-variety.com (BY
Happy New Year all!
From Curt:
my book, "The
World Is Open: How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing
Education" first appeared in the summer of
2009, people asked me two insightful
questions: #1. If this truly is an open educational
world, then why isn't the book free?, and #2.
can educators actually do in this more free and open world?
A couple years later, when Massive Open Online Courses or
"MOOCs" first arrived on the scene, people around
the globe were asking me a third question;
namely, #3. how to increase MOOC retention
rates. They read MOOC related articles in the New York
Times, the Guardian, BBC News, CNN International, the Korea
Times, and all of the other hype about the global
transformation of higher education. But they also knew that
there were a host of problems surrounding
took more than five years, but I finally have responded to
all three questions. Where? How? And when, you ask? Well, my
latest book, "Adding Some TEC-VARIETY: 100+
for Motivating and Retaining Learners Online,"
provides a framework of 10 proven psychological principles
of motivation (see visual below) and more than 100
activities for addressing the vast learner motivation and
retention problems we all witness
today. In responding to all those who joked with me that my
next book should be free, this book, written with Elaine
Khoo from the University of Waikato in New Zealand, not only
is FREE as an e-book (all
367 pages), but you can download each chapter separately
for free as well. Since the book release in May, over
25,000 people have already
downloaded the entire book and thousands more have selected
individual chapters. Chapters on curiosity, tone/climate,
and relevance are among the most popular
You too can download it all right
now and share it with others. In addition, a Chinese
version of the free
e-book will be available soon. This free and open access
book is my way of expressing my thanks for the opportunity
to live in this vast and exciting open educational
specifics about the book can be found in a recent blog
post of mine as well as at the book
book is an experiment for me both in self-publishing as well
as pushing the edges of the open educational world. I hope
you enjoy my new free book and share it with others.
Oh, by the way, my son Alex designed
the cover. I hope you like it.
Curt Bonk,
Ph.D. (in educational
psychology), CPA
Instructional Systems Technology Department; Adjunct, School
of Informatics
CourseShare, LLC
Cable Green,
Director of Global Learning
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