[Open-education] LINQ 2015: Official announcement and kind reminder on the Calls for Papers, Projects and Workshops!

Stracke, Christian Christian.Stracke at icb.uni-due.de
Fri Jan 16 16:49:25 UTC 2015

Definitely: we are looking forward to participation and contributions to the discussions from you and OKFN!

Best wishes

From: Marieke Guy [mailto:marieke.guy at okfn.org]
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2015 1:20 PM
To: Stracke, Christian
Cc: open-education at lists.okfn.org; Christian M. Stracke <christian.stracke at uni-due.de>
Subject: Re: LINQ 2015: Official announcement and kind reminder on the Calls for Papers, Projects and Workshops!

Thanks Christian and great to hear that the Motto of LINQ 2015 is: "The Need for Change in Education: Openness as Default?" - should lead to some interesting discussions!

On 16/01/2015 12:15, Stracke, Christian wrote:
Dear Colleague,

Happy New Year!

I'm very pleased to invite you to join our International LINQ Conference 2015!
LINQ, the international Conference on Learning Innovations and Learning Quality will continue our exciting exchange:
We would appreciate your active participation and contributions in this year, too!

LINQ 2015 has published its three Calls for Papers, Projects and Workshops now:
See details here: www.learning-innovations.eu/call<http://www.learning-innovations.eu/call>
Deadline for submissions is 4th February 2015!

The Motto of LINQ 2015 is: "The Need for Change in Education: Openness as Default?"
LINQ 2015 is taking place on 12th and 13th of May 2015 in Brussels, Belgium.
All further information will be available on: www.learning-innovations.eu<http://www.learning-innovations.eu>

Looking forward to continuing our dialogue with you and our community and to welcoming you at LINQ 2015!

On behalf of the whole LINQ team
Christian M. Stracke
(LINQ Conference Chair)


Dr. Christian M. Stracke
TELIT Research Institute
Managing Director and international Coordinator
Open Learning through Innovations, Quality & Competences
Elected Chair of ISO PC 288 and CEN TC 353
University of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
Universitaetsstr. 9
45141 Essen (GERMANY)
E-mail: Christian.Stracke at uni-due.de<mailto:Christian.Stracke at uni-due.de>

LINQ: The Leading Conference for Learning Innovations and Learning Quality
ICORE: The International Community for Open Research and Open Education
TELIT: The Research Institute for Technology-Enhanced Learning & Innovative Education and Training
QLET for Quality in Learning, Education and Training


Marieke Guy
Project Coordinator | skype: mariekeguy | tel: 44 (0) 1285 885681 | @mariekeguy<http://twitter.com/mariekeguy>
Open Education Working Group<http://education.okfn.org/>
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