[Open-education] Research Assistant/Associate at the Knowledge Media Institute, Open University for the European Data Science Academy

Alexander.Mikroyannidis alexander.mikroyannidis at open.ac.uk
Thu Jan 22 18:02:40 UTC 2015

[Apologies for cross posting]

Deadline for Applications March 4th 2015.

See http://kmi.open.ac.uk/jobs/#11038 for more details and an application form.

We are looking for a researcher to work on a new EU funded project the European Data Science Academy (edsa-project.eu<http://edsa-project.eu/>) which aims to bridge the current data science skills gap through three main activities:

- Demand analysis: using data mining tools scrutinizing thousands of job descriptions and technology blogs to gain a thorough understanding of the skills required in industry (which will vary by sector and region). See [1] for a small demo we created for the proposal.

- Data science curricula: high-quality, multilingual and multimodal training materials (eBooks, slides, video lectures, online demonstrators and showcases, data sets, online courses) that will be usable on different platforms. See [2, 3] for previous and current projects we build upon.

- Training delivery and learning analytics: To maximize outreach we will make use of some of the most popular training delivery platforms worldwide, including VideoLectures.NET<http://videolectures.net/> and iTunes U (since 2008 OU materials have been downloaded over 65 million times). We will use machine learning tools to develop an analytics dashboard focused on learning experiences.

1. http://edsa-project.eu/dashboard/
2. http://www.euclid-project.eu/
3. http://ict-forge.eu/

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