[Open-education] 2015 “State of the Commons” report: need your help re: Open Education!
Cable Green
cable at creativecommons.org
Wed Oct 7 23:19:10 UTC 2015
Greetings Open Education Friends:
Last year Creative Commons published its first State of the Commons
<http://stateof.creativecommons.org> report, which included preliminary
data on the impact open textbooks and open education policies were having
in education around the world. We are now working on the 2015 State of the
Commons report -- and we need your help!
If you or your organization have data you want included in the "2015 State
of the Commons" report, please send us your information by Friday, 30
October 2015.
Here is the data we need:
Savings generated by Open Textbooks:
Please name and provide a link to your open textbook project(s).
How much has your open textbook project saved students / teachers /
schools to date (total / aggregate #)?
How much will your open textbooks project save in 2015-2016?
Please provide sources for these numbers (fine if your org is the
Are these sources publicly available online? If not, can they be made
publicly available by CC?
Open Education Policies:
Does your country have open education policies at the national,
provincial / state, system, and/or institution level?
Examples of open education policies might include, but are not
limited to:
Open licensing policy: a funding policy where the products of
grants and/or contracts are required to be openly licensed.
Open education legislation or institutional policies that support
the adoption, creation and/or review of OER.
- Open education policies that support the shift to open practices
/ pedagogy / praxis.
OER highlighted in your nation's Open Government Partnership
"national action plan" and/or other national, regional, system or
institution education strategies or plans.
Please name and provide a link to each policy.
Please indicate level of policy (national, provincial / state, system
and/or institution).
Money flowing through Open Licensing Policies?
How much money has been disbursed through grants and/or contracts
with an open licensing policy / requirement to date (total /
aggregate #)?
How much money will flow through grants / contracts with an open
policy requirement in 2015-2016?
Please provide sources for these numbers (fine if your org is the
Are these sources publicly available online? If not, can they be
made publicly available by CC?
We look forward to including your good work in the 2015 State of the Commons
<http://stateof.creativecommons.org> report!
Please reply (off-list) to:
- cable at creativecommons.org
- janepark at creativecommons.org
Most gratefully,
Cable Green, PhD
Director of Global Learning
Creative Commons
@cgreen <http://twitter.com/cgreen>
*retain, reuse, revise, remix, redistribute*
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