[Open-education] New open education site

Atenas, Javiera j.atenas at ucl.ac.uk
Fri Apr 29 12:13:17 UTC 2016

Dear Open Education friends

As we largely discussed at OER16 and OEGlobal, we have now a site to facilitate the discussion and exchange of ideas for educators, advocates and researchers https://discuss.okfn.org/c/working-groups/open-education

The space allows the users to search for topics and keywords, which will support us to have a space to store and retrieve information and to connect people with projects, allowing us to share reports, books, papers and links to projects and to support international collaboration and exchange of expertise amongst the participants.

Also the idea is to facilitate a space for the international practitioners, ensuring they can find a place to share in their own languages, and we are happy to announce that 3 groups have been started: German coordinated by Marcus Deimann (@mdeimann<https://twitter.com/mdeimann>); Italian chaired by Annalisa Manca (@AnnalisaManca<https://twitter.com/AnnalisaManca>) and Chiara Ciociola (@chiaracio<https://twitter.com/chiaracio>) and French by Alexandre Enkerli (@enkerli<https://twitter.com/enkerli>), also two more groups are coming soon: Spanish chaired by Daniel Villar (@villaronrubia<https://twitter.com/villaronrubia>) and Portuguese by Tel Amiel (@edaberta<https://twitter.com/edaberta>)

If you want to start sharing your work, ideas and projects, please introduce yourself to the group and use the categories research and projects, and if you want to start a new category, please get in touch with us, to prevent overloading and duplication.

Best wishes and happy weekend

Javiera & Paul

Dr. Javiera Atenas
HEA Fellow
UCL School of Management
Gower St, London, WC1E 6BT
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