[Open-education] [OER] Ciênsação: OER (BY SA) repository of hands-on Science experiments for schools

Vincent Kizza vkizza2001 at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Aug 25 21:35:14 UTC 2016

What  a great resource! Many thanks for sharing.Vincent
 Vincent Kizza Website:http://www.wikieducator.org/User:vkizza Blog:http://vkizza-ugblogger.blogspot.com/

      From: Cable Green <cable at creativecommons.org>
 To: OER Advocacy Coalition <oer-advocacy-coalition at googlegroups.com>; International OER Advocacy <internationaloeradvocacy at googlegroups.com>; OER Forum <oer-forum at lists.esn.org.za>; "OER-DISCUSS at JISCMAIL.AC.UK" <OER-DISCUSS at jiscmail.ac.uk>; Educause Openness Constituent Group <OPENNESS at listserv.educause.edu>; "OPENEDSIG at JISCMAIL.AC.UK" <OPENEDSIG at jiscmail.ac.uk>; "Open Educaton @ OKFN" <open-education at lists.okfn.org>; Open Oregon <openoregon at googlegroups.com> 
Cc: robert at ciensacao.org
 Sent: Tuesday, 23 August 2016, 1:48
 Subject: [OER] Ciênsação: OER (BY SA) repository of hands-on Science experiments for schools
Greetings Friends:

>From our friend Robert Fisher in Brasil:


Ciênsação (Ciensación/Sciensati on) has been developed with the support of UNESCO Brasil to promote a culture of short hands-on experiments and skill-fostering science education.

The site serves as a repository of OER on brief research activities – taking usually less than 10 minutes to complete – that can be easily integrated into day-to-day teaching in regular classrooms. Instead of merely illustrating scientific concepts or natural phenomena, these hands-on experiments come with questions that engage students in evidence seeking discussions. They are made to encourage critical thinking, an inquisitive mindset, and to allow students to experience the joy of discovery. In other words: To teach science as an activity, as a fascinating art students will be keen to master.

Teachers are invited to publish their own hands-on experiments at Ciênsação (Ciensación/Sciensati on). Submissions that pass the peer-review will be published as OER in Portuguese, Spanish and English under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. 

Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Robert Fischer

https://www.facebook.com/ciens acion/

Rua Francisco Rocha 1140
Edf. Andy Warhol
Bigorrilho, Curitiba
80730-390 Brazil

Tel: +55(41) 9587 8602
skype: ciensacao


Cable Green, PhD
Director of Open Education
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