[Open-education] EC-TEL 2016: Registration, call for workshops and sponsoring

Karim Sehaba karim.sehaba at liris.cnrs.fr
Thu Jun 23 14:13:43 UTC 2016

** Please accept our apologies for crossposting

The 11th European Conference on Technology-­Enhanced Learning
13-16 September 2016, Lyon, France
http://www.ec-tel.eu <http://www.ec-tel.eu/>

Registration and hotel booking (http://www.ec-tel.eu/index.php?id=745 <http://www.ec-tel.eu/index.php?id=745>)
EC-TEL 2016 <http://www.ec-tel.eu/> is approaching fast. You can now complete your registration in the conference and book your accommodation in Lyon. You can benefit from early-bird registration prices until 30 June 2016. 

Workshops (http://www.ec-tel.eu/index.php?id=748 <http://www.ec-tel.eu/index.php?id=748>)
EC-TEL provide additional opportunities to present your work. Indeed, nine workshops have been accepted and will take place in conjunction with EC-TEL 2016. Different topics of TEL are covered in these workshops. Below, you can find the accepted workshops. Click on their links to know more about their Call for Papers and their provisional workshop program. Please, be aware that the "full ticket" registration in the EC-TEL conferences includes free access to all workshops so you have additional opportunities for presenting your work.

Tuesday, 13 September 
full-day: 7th International Workshop on Motivational and Affective Aspects of Technology Enhanced Learning (MATEL 2016 <http://matel.professional-learning.eu/index.php/MATEL_2016>)
full-day: 6th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology- Enhanced Learning (ARTEL 2016 <http://www.teleurope.eu/pg/pages/view/390456/>)
half-day: Pedagogical Grounded Learning Analytics Design (PGLA 2016 <http://mutlucukurova.wix.com/pglaworkshop>)
half-day: How to improve Open Education with Openness for All? Towards a global joint initiative

Friday, 16 September 
full-day: Connecting Learning Analytics and Learning Design (CLAD 2016 <http://clad2016.ld-grid.org/>)
full-day: 4th International Workshop on Teaching Analytics (IWTA 2016 <http://css-kmi.tugraz.at/mkrwww/leas-box/ectelws2016/home.html>)
half-day: Workshop on Applied and Practical Learning Analytics (WAPLA 2016 <http://educate.gast.it.uc3m.es/wapla/>) 
half-day: Call for Makers: Prototypes and Experiences with Wearable Enhanced Learning (WELL 2016 <http://ea-tel.eu/special-interest-groups/well/call-for-makers-prototypes-and-experiences-with-wearable-enhanced-learning-well-ec-tel-2016/>)
half-day: Workshop on Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessment (TEFA2016 <http://www.ccead.puc-rio.br/tefa2016/>)

Sponsoring (http://www.ec-tel.eu/index.php?id=744 <http://www.ec-tel.eu/index.php?id=744>)
Benefits for sponsors are flexible and can be discussed.

Karim Sehaba
Université Lumière Lyon 2

http://liris.cnrs.fr/ksehaba/ <http://liris.cnrs.fr/ksehaba/>
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