[Open-education] OER Digest - June 28th, 2018

OER Digest oerdigest at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 19:46:23 UTC 2018

*From Camille Thomas, SPARC | Volume 60 | June 28th, 2018With updates from
Nicole Allen and Ethan Senack THE OER DIGESTYour bi-weekly newsletter for
open education updates, opportunities, and remindersSTATE POLICY UPDATES:
Lawmakers in New Jersey approved approved a measure designed to expand the
use of open textbooks
ever-increasing prices of college textbooks are simply becoming
unreasonable,” Assemblywoman Nancy Pinkin (D-Middlesex) said in a news
release. “By implementing open textbooks in college courses, students will
save a significant amount of money as well as lower both the amount of and
the stresses of debt after college.” California and Michigan both passed
appropriations bills that include provisions around OER. POLICY IN CANADA:
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) in Calgary, Alberta, has
officially adopted one of the first institutional OER policies
in Canada. The policy is part of SAIT’s 2017-2020 Applied Education Plan.
SIAT’s policy encourages adopting, creating and adapting OER as well as
assigning Creative Commons licenses to all materials at the
institution.ISTE HIGHLIGHTS: OER was a popular topic at this week’s ISTE
conference. Multiple sessions addressed the use of OER in K-12 education,
and ISTE U announced a new course on OER
<http://www.iste.org/learn/iste-u/Open-Education-Resources> for educators
developed by iLearn Collaborative. Highlights include a panel entitled “The
Textbook Is Extinct! Now What?” that led to a lively debate including
discussion of OER that was written up in EdWeek
and the launch of #GoOpen Michigan’s OER site
Congratulations are in order! - The Open Education Group announced OER
Research Fellows <https://openedgroup.org/fellowship>for 2018-2019,
sponsored by the Hewlett Foundation. - Dr. Barbara Illowsky, Professor of
Mathematics & Statistics at De Anza College, was awarded the first ever
Michelson OER and Innovation Fellowship
2018-2019 OpenStax Institutional Partners
are being recognized in their communities, including Santa Monica College
and Arkansas State University
CONFERENCESUpcoming Events, Proposal and Registration Deadlines,
Report-Backs  APPLY NOW: Two more weeks to apply for OpenCon 2018
<https://www.opencon2017.org/opencon_2018_announced>. The conference will
be held November 2-4 in Toronto, and is by application only. Apply here
<https://apply.opencon2018.org/referral/oerdigest> by July 13.STORIES FROM
THE FIELDQuick snapshots of those making change on the ground level, and
those impactedFROM OHIO: “We are definitely leading the way among Ohio’s
colleges and universities on textbook affordability,” said Dan Krane, a
Wright State University professor who also serves as chairman of the
university’s affordability and efficiency task force. Read More>
VIRGINIA:  Central Virginia Community College is implementing three new
programs to adopt OER. “We want to remove barriers for our students, and
one of them is the cost of books,” said Muriel Mickles, CVCC vice president
of academic and student affairs. CVCC estimated open educational resources
have saved students about $250,000 since 2016.  Read More>
ARIZONA: “At first, the task was daunting—much like my thought of trying to
obtain my master’s degree,” David Williams, an educational technology
masters student at Northern Arizona University said. “However, once we got
started everything just fell into place.” Williams also worked with others
in his program to write a book chapter on new developments in online
learning, including OER. Read More>
<http://news.nau.edu/david-williams-online-education/>HOT OFF THE PRESSEach
edition, we’ll highlight an interesting, new, openly-licensed resource
Rebus Community released the Blueprint for Success
series, which includes three books for College Success and First Year
Experience. Resources for the series are available via Pressbooks. Paul
Kroeger, faculty at the Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics recently
released, Analyzing meaning: An introduction to semantics and pragmatics
<http://langsci-press.org/catalog/book/144>, an open linguistics textbook
published by Language Science Press. WEIGH INInteresting Discussions and
Strategic Reads to Repost or Share Great to Share >> Evolution of
Librarians: Open Education Leadership | WCET
Affordability and Excellence | University of
Lakeshore Technical College combats skyrocketing textbook costs | Herald
Interesting to Consider >> Charging for the Free (Op-Ed) | El Paso Herald
Post https://elpasoheraldpost.com/op-ed-charging-for-the-free/
<https://elpasoheraldpost.com/op-ed-charging-for-the-free/> Meet
Tennessessee’s New Director of HBCU Success | Education
New Chief at the Chief State School Officers | Ed
Online Course Creation for Dummies | Inside Higher
Have suggestions for the next edition? Let us know at oerdigest at gmail.com
<oerdigest at gmail.com>, or tweet us @OERdigest
<https://twitter.com/oerdigest>. The OER Digest is a public newsletter
distributed to a broad group of stakeholders across the higher education
community. You can join the open Google Group or check out the distribution
list here <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/oerdigest>.*
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