[Open-education] [cc-openedu] Re: [OER-advocacy] Fwd: OER Metadata Standards for Discovery: Call for Collaborators

Phil Barker phil.barker at pjjk.co.uk
Fri Feb 1 13:29:27 UTC 2019

On 01/02/2019 12:47, Pen Lister wrote:
> Hi
> thanks for your input.
> Sorry about not using correct terminology about 'lobbying' - it was 
> just a figure of speech. Being involved at relevant level in standards 
> bodies to be able to adopt interoperable meta properties is all I am 
> talking about.
No problem. I baulked at the implication that there is some other group 
of people somewhere doing this work who we should be influencing. The 
only way to get influence is to do the work. Probably me being 

> In terms of adding 'specialist terms' - Im talking about basic 
> properties that are very likely in use already - for example EQF level 
> and topic area would probably be enough to begin with.

EQF *is* specialist. It's specific to education, and only used in Europe.

> The idea is to simplify as currently the sheer amount of derivative 
> RDF approaches (meta or inline, different nomenclatures, different 
> validation rules etc etc) probably put most people off altogether.
> I noted with some consternation that though these RDF languages might 
> be popular amongst proponents of OER they are very often not used at 
> all elsewhere. Open Graph remains the single highest used RDF, for 
> obvious reasons.
My reading of http://webdatacommons.org/structureddata/#toc3 is that 
schema.org is more widely used in terms of number of pay level domains 
and number of entities described. But it's not easy to make straight 
comparisons with so many variables in syntax and the nature of the data 

I think if you can get a tag into Open Graph for representing 
educational level that would be a great start in making OG useful for 
representing educational properties. Though there will then be issues 
about what terms you use to describe the educational level.

I'll be at the OER19 conference in a couple of months, I'ld be happy to 
talk about this to anyone there.



Phil Barker <http://people.pjjk.net/phil>. http://people.pjjk.net/phil
PJJK Limited <https://www.pjjk.co.uk>: technology to enhance learning; 
information systems for education.
CETIS LLP <https://www.cetis.org.uk>: a cooperative consultancy for 
innovation in education technology.

PJJK Limited is registered in Scotland as a private limited company, 
number SC569282.
CETIS is a co-operative limited liability partnership, registered in 
England number OC399090

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