[Open-education] [cc-openedu] Re: [OER-advocacy] Fwd: OER Metadata Standards for Discovery: Call for Collaborators

Sean Fullerton fullertones at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 23:26:51 UTC 2019

I will also echo Joshua and others' recommendation to look seriously at
LRMI as the metadata standard for OER. Many good minds have contributed to
that work over time. It would be better for practitioners to contribute to
refining LRMI than trying to develop a new competing standard.

I also agree, however, that there is still much work to be done to improve
OER discovery. As a school librarian, I am also interested in extending
this to K-12, curating and tagging OERs to help teachers find good

*--Sean Fullerton*

School Librarian, Foss IB World School 253-571-7401 <+12535717401>
2112 S. Tyler Street
Tacoma, WA  98405

*From our International Baccalaureate LearnerProfile Attributes:*

*We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research.We
know how to learn independently and with others.We learn with enthusiasm
and sustain our love of learning throughout life.*

On Jan 31, 2019 11:08 AM, "Wally Grotophorst" <wally.grotophorst at gmail.com>

The schema is fundamentally important but adoption is key.
Perhaps there are ways to make existing schema more adoption-friendly.
The fact that Joshua's link list has 7 different links to relevant schema
seems like a clue.

- Wally

Wally Grotophorst
Associate University Librarian
George Mason University
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
703 993-9005

Angela.Secrest wrote on 1/29/19 7:01 AM:

I second Joshua’s reminder and sentiment. Metadata is a part of the global
conversation and is already recognized as a necessity for interoperability,
discovery and sustainability. Some schemas are already highly developed –
JISC, for example. This was one of my big takeaways from Open Repositories

I’ll add to Joshua’s link list:

The W3C OER Schema Community: https://www.w3.org/community/oerschema/




Angela K. Secrest

District Director, Library Services


*From:* cc-openedu at googlegroups.com [mailto:cc-openedu at googlegroups.com
<cc-openedu at googlegroups.com>] *On Behalf Of *J Marks
*Sent:* Monday, January 28, 2019 4:15 PM
*To:* Cable Green
*Cc:* Educause Openness Constituent Group; OER Advocacy Coalition;
OPENEDSIG at JISCMAIL.AC.UK; International OER Advocacy; Open Education
Platform; Heather White
*Subject:* [cc-openedu] Re: [OER-advocacy] Fwd: OER Metadata Standards for
Discovery: Call for Collaborators


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Cable et al,

I would like to remind the community of the work Creative Commons
participated in some 10 years ago on this very topic. LRMI, the Learning
Resource Metadata [1] initiative has been adopted by and integrated within
Schema.org under "Creative Work" and includes things like learning resource
type [3], intended audience, typical age range, and the very important
"AlignmentObject" [3]. This work has more recently been harmonized into
other specifications/metadata models such as CEDS [4], and the new IMS
Global LTI Resource Search standard [5]. The LRMI taskforce is right now
discussing specific vocabularies for resource types [6]. Lastly, and in
support of these initiative, the IMS Global CASE [7] ("Competencies and
Academic Standards Exchange") address how to create and exchange a learning
standards or competency framework (e.g. what a student must learn and
demonstrate to provide learning or master)

[1] http://lrmi.dublincore.org/

[2] https://schema.org/learningResourceType

[3] https://schema.org/AlignmentObject

[4] https://ceds.ed.gov/element/000928/ (example for resource type elements)

[5] https://www.imsglobal.org/resource-search


[7] https://www.imsglobal.org/activity/case

I would highly recommend adding to this work and greatly discourage an
attempt to reinvent this wheel.

Best Regards,

Joshua Marks (IMS, LRMI, PCG, Curriki, etc.)

On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 1:19 PM Cable Green <cable at creativecommons.org>

Greetings Open Education Friends:

I'm forwarding this call for collaboration from my OER Librarian friend and
colleague, Heather White.

Warm regards,


Cable Green, PhD
Director of Open Education
Creative Commons

   - Join: CC Open Education Platform
   - CC Global Network: get involved today

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: *Heather White* <Heather.White at mhcc.edu>
Date: Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 9:27 AM
Subject: OER Metadata Standards for Discovery: Call for Collaborators

*{please excuse cross postings & please share widely}*

Finding OER remains a challenge for faculty and the librarians who support
them and the reason is technical - as a community, we have not yet agreed
on metadata standards for all of our various computer systems to use.

3 librarians in the Pacific Northwest are looking for technical services
and systems librarians, and OER search engine administrators to come
together and decide on metadata standards to improve the OER discovery
process. While there's ongoing improvement in various OER repository search
engines, librarians sending emails to listservs asking "anyone know of OER
on this topic?" is still an all too common occurrence.

It’s time to apply cataloging and systems librarians’ expertise to bring
the OER discovery process up to par with traditional library research
tools. And we need to do this in collaboration with our non-library
colleagues that are optimizing OER search engines.

Interested in helping? Want to learn more?

Click here to sign up for the OER Metadata Group!

Direct link: https://sites.google.com/view/oermetadatagroup/home

Heather White, MLS

Library Technical Services Coordinator

Mt Hood Community College

26000 SE Stark St., Gresham, OR 97030


heather.white at mhcc.edu

*“Study, learn, help one another always.” – Chief Plenty Coups*

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