[Open-education] UNESCO OER Recommendation: good news

Cable Green cable at creativecommons.org
Tue May 28 18:09:56 UTC 2019

Good news!

The UNESCO OER Recommendation was approved by UNESCO member states today,
by consensus. Its final step for approval will take place at the UNESCO
General Assembly in November, 2019 - though we expect that vote to be

Creative Commons (CC) had two representatives in the meeting
(and in multiple side meetings) for the last two days, and we are pleased
with the outcome. CC, the UNESCO OER Chairs, and many other IGOs and NGOs
in the meeting were able to work with UNESCO members states to
significantly edit some of the unhelpful definitions and improve other text
in the document. This was truly a team effort.

The final text of the document will be now coordinated and translated by
UNESCO and they will publish it prior to the November meeting. Date TBD.

Here is a copy of the DRAFT Recommendation on Open Educational Resources
before edits were made to the document during the past two days.

Special thanks to everyone who was involved in this long process of
drafting the document, revising and improving it, educating your UNESCO
country delegates, and helping to get it across the finish line. The
Slovenian delegation and the UNESCO staff, in particular, deserve our
gratitude for leading this project for so many years.

I will share more information as it becomes available.

This is a big win!



Cable Green, PhD
Director of Open Education
Creative Commons

   - Join: CC Open Education Platform
   - Register: CC Certificate <https://certificates.creativecommons.org/>
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   - Connect: @cgreen <http://twitter.com/cgreen>
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