[open-geodata] #OpenDataHack @ECMWF - 4/5 March 2017

Julia Wagemann wagemann.julia at gmx.de
Sun Dec 18 17:26:27 UTC 2016

Dear all,

I would like to draw your attention to the following:

    #OpenDataHack - Beyond weather: explore creative uses of open data

Developers, experts, students, data wranglers, data journalists, data 
enthusiasts, makers, artists – you are invited to join the 
meteorologists, scientists and engineers of ECMWF at our #OpenDataHack 
on 4 and 5 March 2017.

As part of our activities, including the recently-added EU-funded 
Copernicus services on climate and atmospheric monitoring, we have 
collected and created vast quantities of global environmental data.
Spend a weekend with us to make and demo prototypes for new services and 
Make something practical for travellers or growers, or build something 
educational or playful for the young and young at heart. We want to see 
you do amazing things with ECMWF open data.

The hackathon is part of theInternational Open Data Day 
<http://opendataday.org/>on 4 March 2017, which aims to promote the 
benefits and potential of open data worldwide.

More information and registration 



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