[open-heritage] Open Metadata Handbook - TODO

Primavera De Filippi primavera.defilippi at okfn.org
Wed Sep 26 08:53:59 UTC 2012

Hi all,
after the GLAM workshop at the OKFest, Iain and me sat down to develop a
small roadmap on how to finish and give a new life to the Open Metadata
Handbook available here :

First of all, we want to find new contributors to the handbook, so if you
are interested or if you know people that might be interested, please don't
hesitate to contact me (or contribute directly to the handbook :)

Then we want to extract some of the information in the handbook and produce
short "recipes" focused on one particular matter, here is the list of
recipes we have identified :
If you have ideas for other useful recipes, please insert them into the
pad, and if you would like to produce one particular recipe, just do it  :)
We are starting one on "How to use APIs & why ?" - if you'd like to help
out join us on the google doc:

Thanks a lot !
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