[OpenGLAM] Join the Fight for Europeana's Funding #AllezCulture
Sam Leon
sam.leon at okfn.org
Thu May 30 11:00:01 UTC 2013
Dear List,
Many of you will know that a drastic cut was made in the budget for the
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) from 9 billion to 1 billion euros.
Europeana <http://europeana.eu> is now being asked to put the case for
funding under the revised guidelines for CEF, which were issued yesterday.
Europeana will now face severe competition for the available funding from
other digital service infrastructure such as e-Justice, e-Health and Safer
Most of those on the OpenGLAM list will now what an important force
Europeana has been in promoting the cause of open data within cultural
heritage institutions and their Data Exchange
been one of the great strides towards a world in which our shared
cultural heritage is more discoverable and assessable to all.
We want to see Europeana continue to grow and to continue the great work
it's been doing since its inception. You can support the fight to to
protect Europeana's CEF funding by:
(a) Using the attached leaflet 'Europeana - The Case for Funding' in any
way you can to support the #AllezCulture campaign. Translate, distribute,
publish and blog the leaflet or its messages to your network and contacts,
including the people you sent letters to earlier this year.
(b) Use the dedicated hashtag #AllezCulture to tweet your own examples of
how Europeana supports economic growth, connects Europe and makes Europe's
culture available to every one - and retweet our #AllezCulture messages.
Any questions about the campaign should be directed to
AllezCulture at europeana.eu.
All the best,
Sam Leon
Project Manager | skype: samedleon | @Noel_Mas<https://twitter.com/noel_mas>
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