[OpenGLAM] Europeana elects a members council
Sarah Stierch
sarah.stierch at gmail.com
Wed Nov 19 21:59:27 UTC 2014
Huzzah! Congratulations to everyone! Can't wait to see more magic happen...
who self elected herself to an imaginary USA OpenGLAM members council ;-)
On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 1:47 PM, Merete Sanderhoff <Merete.Sanderhoff at smk.dk
> wrote:
> Thanks Joris! I think the team of councillors looks fantastic too, and
> I'm very excited to be working to promote OpenGLAM principles and practices
> from within Europeana.
> Cheers,
> Merete
> ------------------------------
> *Fra:* open-glam [open-glam-bounces at lists.okfn.org] på vegne af Joris
> Pekel [jpekel at gmail.com]
> *Sendt:* 19. november 2014 16:38
> *Cc:* open-glam at lists.okfn.org
> *Emne:* Re: [OpenGLAM] Europeana elects a members council
> Hi everyone,
> My colleagues have just announced the results of the elections. See the
> full list on:
> http://pro.europeana.eu/election-results1
> I have to say I am really happy with the results. Lots of people there
> who are working on a more open cultural heritage sector and a stronger
> public domain. Thanks for all your votes!
> And congratulations to everyone who got elected!
> Cheers,
> Joris
> 2014-11-06 13:04 GMT+01:00 Merete Sanderhoff <Merete.Sanderhoff at smk.dk>:
>> Thank you for the mention, Joris! The list of candidates is fantastic,
>> I wish everyone a good election and best of luck.
>> Allez Culture!
>> Best,
>> Merete
>> *Fra:* open-glam [mailto:open-glam-bounces at lists.okfn.org] *På vegne af *Joris
>> Pekel
>> *Sendt:* 3. november 2014 16:40
>> *Til:* open-glam at lists.okfn.org
>> *Emne:* [OpenGLAM] Europeana elects a members council
>> Hi all,
>> At the moment, Europeana is changing the way it is governed. In short,
>> there is now a new organisational structure
>> <https://webmail.kb.nl/owa/redir.aspx?C=zFarJjwz-Uip4SqAnSZMsnn3yr30v9EIFY3dKceB_ZNRMwgvnlRO0EcN5hIfLVAZXoKz6ix9FfE.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fpro.europeana.eu%2fintroducing-the-new-structure> where
>> members of the Europeana network
>> <https://webmail.kb.nl/owa/redir.aspx?C=zFarJjwz-Uip4SqAnSZMsnn3yr30v9EIFY3dKceB_ZNRMwgvnlRO0EcN5hIfLVAZXoKz6ix9FfE.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fpro.europeana.eu%2fnetwork> (which
>> is free to join) will elect people to a governing council. This is in an
>> effort for Europeana as an organisation to be more accountable and
>> responsive to stakeholders' needs.
>> - You can read the description sent out to current members of the
>> network here: "*Putting the Network at the heart of Europeana*
>> <https://webmail.kb.nl/owa/redir.aspx?C=zFarJjwz-Uip4SqAnSZMsnn3yr30v9EIFY3dKceB_ZNRMwgvnlRO0EcN5hIfLVAZXoKz6ix9FfE.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fus3.campaign-archive1.com%2f%3fu%3dad318b7566f97eccc895e014e%26id%3dd11882f808%26e%3da08b733b22>
>> "
>> - The official details, with current list of candidates, is available
>> on the website here: Elections2014
>> <https://webmail.kb.nl/owa/redir.aspx?C=zFarJjwz-Uip4SqAnSZMsnn3yr30v9EIFY3dKceB_ZNRMwgvnlRO0EcN5hIfLVAZXoKz6ix9FfE.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fpro.europeana.eu%2felections2014>
>> 47 people have nominated themselves and 25 of them will make it to the
>> first members' council. It would be really great if a number of people that
>> stand for a strong public domain and #openGLAM in general would make it to
>> this council as it will very much influence the way Europeana is going.
>> Some people who fit this description are:
>> Jonathan Gray (Open Knowledge)
>> Gill Hamilton (National Library of Schotland)
>> Paul Keller (Kennisland)
>> Merete Sanderhoff (Statens Museum for Kunst)
>> And more, have a look at all of them here
>> <http://pro.europeana.eu/introducing-the-candidates>.
>> It would be amazing if you take two minutes to have a look and vote.
>> Nominations close 7th of November, this Friday.
>> (to be a candidate, or to vote, you must first be a member of the
>> Europeana Network - which just requires filling out this form online
>> <https://webmail.kb.nl/owa/redir.aspx?C=zFarJjwz-Uip4SqAnSZMsnn3yr30v9EIFY3dKceB_ZNRMwgvnlRO0EcN5hIfLVAZXoKz6ix9FfE.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fpro.europeana.eu%2fweb%2fguest%2fnetwork%2fapply>
>> ).
>> All the best,
>> Joris
>> p.s: I realise it might feel a bit as a conflict of interest for somebody
>> working at Europeana to promote certain candidates, but I checked
>> internally and this is very much supported. I am not allowed to vote myself
>> though, but can support others.
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Sarah Stierch
Diverse and engaging consulting for your organization.
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