[open-government] Open Government Data: Montevideo is calling- Datos Abiertos: Montevideo llama

Ton Zijlstra ton.zijlstra at gmail.com
Mon Dec 27 16:48:16 UTC 2010

Hi Fabrizio,

that is good news! I have been trying to find out a bit more, to turn it
into a news item for the epsiplatform.eu.
I found this decision by the Montevideo city council from last February
already where they talk about open data:

So is there now a next step taken by the city council? I am curious to hear
more. I couldn't find in http://monolitos.montevideo.gub.uy/resoluci.nsf/ if
there has been a new decision published. (A search on the word 'datos' finds
the February decision as most recent item) Or was the February document the
proposal that now has been accepted?

Can you point me to the document/decision that now has been taken, or tell
me when the council's decision has been made?
Again, congratulations on your (CAINFO's) efforts.


Interdependent Thoughts
Ton Zijlstra

ton at tonzijlstra.eu


2010/12/27 Fabrizio Scrollini <fabrizio.scrollini at gmail.com>

> Dear all,
> It is with a bit of excitement that I am glad to report that Montevideo
> City Council (Uruguay´s capital and largest city) followed CAINFO advice<http://www2.defensordelvecino.gub.uy/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/el-tiempo-de-la-ciudadanaa.pdf> (link) and
> set up an open government data policy, The recommendation was made in the
> context of an study to improve services and participation in local
> government by CAINFO, supported by  Spanish Cooperation Agency and New
> Zealand Cooperation Agency, in partnership with Montevideo´s Ombudsman.
> While it is still early days, the government is asking for ideas and
> applications and already made some data available. Montevideo City Council
> also adopted formally the 8 Open Government Data principles. I guess it is a
> nice way to finish a hard work year.
> Kind regards and Happy New Year
> Fabrizio Scrollini
> Estimados  y Estimadas,
> Es con un poco de emoción que estamos contentos de reportar que la ciudad
> de Montevideo (capital y ciudad más poblada de Uruguay), siguiendo el
> consejo <http://www.imm.gub.uy/node/13757>de CAINFO estableció una
> política de uso de datos abiertos del gobierno. La recomendación se realizó
> en el contexto de un estudio sobre como mejorar los servicios y la
> participación en el gobierno local, apoyado por la Agencia de Cooperación
> Española y la Agencia de Cooperación del Gobierno de Nueva Zelandia y en
> asociación con el Defensor del Vecino de Montevideo. Aunque solo es el
> comienzo, el gobierno está pidiendo ideas y aplicaciones, y ha puesto
> algunos datos disponibles. A su vez Montevideo adoptó los 8 principios de
> sobre datos abiertos. Supongo que es una buena forma de terminar un año de
> mucho trabajo.
> Atentos saludos y feliz año,
> Fabrizio Scrollini
> --
> Fabrizio Scrollini
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