[open-government] International Open Data Hackathon twitter hashtag

Javier de la Cueva jdelacueva at derecho-internet.org
Mon Nov 1 11:52:05 UTC 2010

El 01/11/10 12:44, Bruno Pedro escribió:
> Hi all,
> Some of us have been publicly discussing what's the most appropriate
> hash tag to use on twitter for the International Open Data Hackathon
> that is shaping
> up: http://eaves.ca/2010/10/29/lets-do-an-international-open-data-hackathon/
> Some suggestions:
>     * @janl: #odhd (_O_pen _D_ata _H_ack _D_ay)
>     * @jneves: #opendata2010
>     * @bpedro: use both #opendata and #hackday together
> What do you think? Any suggestions?

Beware of too long hashtags: message_length = 140[-RT]-hashtag

Javier de la Cueva

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