[open-government] Launching the first Aid Transparency Assessment

Karin Christiansen info at publishwhatyoufund.org
Mon Oct 25 15:39:05 UTC 2010

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       1. http://www.PublishWhatYouFund.org


   I am proud to share with you Publish What You Fund’s [2]Aid Transparency
   Assessment that we have been working on over the last year. This is the
   first global assessment of the transparency of 30 major donors across seven
   indicators from eight data sources. The indicators cover donors' commitment
   to aid transparency, transparency to recipient governments, and transparency
   to civil society.
       2. http://www.publishwhatyoufund.org/resources/assessment

   The assessment is available on the [3]new [4]Publish What You Fund website.
   [5]Explore[6] the data yourself and see how donors perform.
       3. http://www.publishwhatyoufund.org/resources/assessment
       4. http://www.publishwhatyoufund.org/resources/assessment
       5. http://www.publishwhatyoufund.org/resources/assessment/visualise
       6. http://www.publishwhatyoufund.org/resources/assessment/visualise

   Our first major finding highlights the necessity of donors building an
   international standard. The lack of comparable data meant we could not do
   the type of bottom up assessment we wished. However, the indicators
   developed from the limited data available provide an interesting comparison
   of current levels of donor transparency. We are planning to carry on with
   this work on an annual basis.

   We hope there will be with more comprehensive, comparable and timely data to
   draw on in the future and would very much appreciate feedback, suggestions
   and thoughts on how to take this work forward.

   The Assessment will be presented at the OECD DAC workshop on transparent
   development co-operation today, at the [7]International Anti-Corruption
   Conference in Bangkok in November and at workshops in Washington in
       7. http://www.14iacc.org

   And the activity doesn't end there. Yesterday was [8]World Development
   Information Day, drawing attention to the necessity of information in
   tackling development issues, and tomorrow will see the launch of
   [9]Transparency International's 15th [10]Corruption Perception Index.
       8. http://www.un.org/en/events/devinfoday
       9. http://www.transparency.org
       10. http://www.transparency.org/policy_research/surveys_indices/cpi/2009

   Earlier in the month, the [11]Center for Global Development released its
   important “[12]Quality of Official Development Assistance Assessment”
   (QuODA) which provides a useful interactive tool for tracking and comparing
   the quality of donor programs, and the International Budget Partnership
   launched its [13]Open Budget Survey 2010, measuring budget transparency and
   accountability around the world.
       11. http://www.cgdev.org
       12. http://publishwhatyoufund.org/news/2010/10/quoda-ranks-countries-aid-effectiveness
       13. http://www.internationalbudget.org/what-we-do/open-budget-survey

   Other developments include the launch of the World Bank’s [14]Apps for
   Development Challenge, the publication of a [15]new paper on aid
   effectiveness in Uganda from Moon and Williamson at the [16]ODI, and Publish
   What You Fund partners [17]AidInfo launching their [18]new website.
       14. http://www.publishwhatyoufund.org/news/2010/10/world-bank-demonstrate-possibilities-aid-data
       15. http://publishwhatyoufund.org/news/2010/10/transparency-fundamental-aid-effectiveness-uganda
       16. http://www.odi.org.uk
       17. http://www.aidinfo.org
       18. http://www.aidinfo.org


   [19]info at publishwhatyoufund.org
       19. mailto:info at publishwhatyoufund.org

   [20]Follow us on Twitter
       20. http://twitter.com/aidtransparency

   [21]Become a fan
       21. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?

   [22]Subscribe to our updates
   Launch of [23]Transparency International's [24]Corruption Perception Index
   26 October

   AidWatch Annual Seminar
    3 – 4 November
       22. http://www.publishwhatyoufund.org/feed
       23. http://www.transparency.org
       24. http://www.transparency.org/policy_research/surveys_indices/cpi/2009
       25. http://www.concordeurope.org/Public/Page.php?ID=4

   Foreign Affairs Council on transparency 22 November

   Publish What You Fund aid and budget transparency workshop at the [26]14th
   International Anti-Corruption Conference 25 November, Bangkok
       26. http://www.14iacc.org

   Panel discussion at Frontline Club ‘[27]The humanitarian aid industry: Who
   is holding it to account?’ 29 November, London
       27. http://frontlineclub.com/events/2010/11/the-humanitarian-aid-industry-who-is-holding-it-to-account.html?utm_source=Frontline&utm_campaign=5c544810fb-Announcing+October+events&utm_medium=email

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       30. http://www.publishwhatyoufund.org/updates/profile

   Publish What You Fund only records the data required to communicate with you
   effectively and will not disclose any information to third parties

   Publish  What  You Fund is hosted by TIRI: 1 London Bridge, Downstream
   Building  3^rd  Floor,  London  SE1  9BG, UK. +4420 7022 1905. Charity
   Registration Number: 1120927

   Sent to open-government at lists.okfn.org. [31]Unsubscribe | [32]Update Profile | [33]Forward to a
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