[open-government] licensing and pricing Geo Data

Daniel Dietrich daniel.dietrich at okfn.org
Wed Apr 27 19:43:01 UTC 2011

Hi Katleen, all,

Thank you very much for this links. They are very helpful. Let me put my question a bit more radically:

Are there any cases where 'open' licensing and / or pricing at marginal costs have proven to be an enabler for a successful Geo Data market?

My understanding is that Geo Data is one of the areas which have most economic potential and are most locked in at the same time. Both through licenses and prices.

Your comments please!


On 27.04.2011, at 20:06, Katleen Janssen wrote:

> Hi Daniel,
> Specifically for geodata, The Queensland Government Information Licensing Framework (http://www.qsic.qld.gov.au/initiatives/gilf.html) and the Geoconnections work in Canada might help (executive summary is here: http://www.geoconnections.org/publications/Best_practices_guide/Executive_Summary_EN_V2_2008.htm; pdf of report is here: http://www.geoconnections.org/publications/Best_practices_guide/Guide_to_Best_Practices_Summer_2008_Final_EN.pdf).
> Other stuff that might help are the reports of the EU project OneGeology-Europe, which tried to make some basic recommendations on licensing policies, taking into account the obligations of the EU legislations (the deliverables can be found at http://law.kuleuven.be/icri/deliverables/2071G-E_WP7_D7.pdf?where=; and http://www.onegeology-europe.eu/files/doc/D7.1%20-%20Analysis%20of%20existing%20legal%20framework.pdf.
> Maybe the INSPIRE good practices document also helps in digging up good examples: http://inspire.jrc.ec.europa.eu/documents/Data_and_Service_Sharing/GoodPractice_%20DataService%20Sharing_v1.1.pdf. 
> If I think of something else I'll let you know!
> Best regards,
> Katleen
> -----Original Message-----
> From: open-government-bounces at lists.okfn.org [mailto:open-government-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf Of Daniel Dietrich
> Sent: woensdag 27 april 2011 19:51
> To: EU Open Data Working Group
> Cc: Open Government WG List
> Subject: [open-government] licensing and pricing Geo Data
> Dear all,
> in Germany local authorities are looking into how to streamline licensing and pricing Geo Data with open data in mind.
> In Germany the hole setting around Geo Data (legislative framework, administrative structure and market) is quite complex and I am afraid I am not an expert in this field. So I am asking for your help:
> Do you know of any 
> - legal framework and or 
> - governmental strategies
> - best practice 
> in regards to licensing and pricing of Geo Data that helped to
> - successfully build a growing Geo Data market
> - establish a sustainable 'open' [1] Geo Data infrastructure
> I very much appreciate your comments, hints and links on this! Thanks in advance.
> All the best
> Daniel
> 1. open as in the open definition: www.opendefinition.org/okd
> --
> Daniel Dietrich
> The Open Knowledge Foundation
> Promoting Open Knowledge in a Digital Age
> www.okfn.org  -  www.opendefinition.org
> Mail: daniel.dietrich at okfn.org
> Mobil: +49 171 780 870 3
> Twitter: @ddie
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