[open-government] Benefit and arguments for open gov data in small local governments

Neil McEvoy neil at mcevoy.biz
Tue Jun 28 00:36:07 UTC 2011

That's perfect, thanks!

> On 26 Jun 2011, at 19:35, Neil McEvoy wrote:
>> Can you expand a little on
>>>> With open data they are better able to address joint needs and joint
>>>> cost bases.
>> How are they able to do this?
> For example if spending data is published by public sector organisations
> it is easier to analyse and identify common spending with single suppliers
> - which could be renegotiated more effectively - or common areas of
> spending such as for networks, utilities etc.
> By have greater visibility of what is being done there is room for
> efficiency, reduction of duplicated effort and so on.
> I hope that clarifies!
> All the best,
> Jason
> --
> Jason Kitcat
> Foundation Coordinator
> The Open Knowledge Foundation
> +44 (0) 7956 886 508
> http://www.okfn.org
> http://twitter.com/jasonkitcat

Neil McEvoy
Cloud Best Practices Network

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