[open-government] Plans for http://opengovernmentdata.org/?

Daniel Dietrich daniel.dietrich at okfn.org
Tue Mar 22 12:54:33 UTC 2011

Dear Jonathan, all,

I agree that this is of high priority and we can make some improvements very quickly. I can spend one day on it later this week.

On 21.03.2011, at 16:11, Jonathan Gray wrote:

> I would say that this is a high priority right now - so people have a
> clearer landing page that:
>  *explains what open government data is and why it is interesting
>  * links to the open government data bibliography [1] (an update on this soon)
>  * links to opendatasearch.org
>  * links to lists of catalogues/competitions etc (these need updating!)
>  * map showing open government data initiatives around the world
>  * list showing upcoming events (can we use an external service for
> this and pull in via RSS?)
>  * list showing open government data related news
>  * pull in #opendata Twitter stream
>  * etc

In addition to this we also need to think about the tool / technology. It is very clear that for the Open Government Data mapping project we want to collect information about 

* OGD initiatives
* OGD Events
* OGD competitions
* OGD catalogues

And we need this information accessible in different ways, such as:

* single item (url)
* list of items
* on a map (geo)
* in a calendar (time)
* syndicated (rss)

Please see http://wiki.okfn.org/wg/government/mapping for more details

Right now we use google docs google calendar and hand made KML files witch is very inefficient (apart from being using non open services like Google)

I am looking at http://grical.org/ its open source and python. We have allready been in contact with the developer Ivan Villanueva.

GriCal allows users to add "events" that can have different views like cal, list and map organised by user or by tags

I would like to explore how we tweak grical to use it a the tool for decentralised OGD mapping. The events, initiatives, organisations could - once added to grical be include as item, list, calendar or map using iframe or the like into the Wordpress installation.

What do people think?


> Anyone up for having a bit of a hack session on this in next few weeks?

count me in

> All the best,
> Jonathan
> [1] http://ideas.okfn.org/ideas/54/open-government-data-bibliography-project
> On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 3:48 PM, Daniel Dietrich
> <daniel.dietrich at okfn.org> wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> Thanks for bringing this up again!
>> On 19.03.2011, at 23:26, Tim McNamara wrote:
>>> Are there any plans for http://opengovernmentdata.org/? I think the domain could be re-purposed from highlighting the events of last November to something more generic.
>> Absolutely this has been the plan for quite a wile now, wee:
>>        http://wiki.okfn.org/wg/government/mapping
>>> Some things we could include:
>>>  - links to and/org excerpts of academic paper & grey literature
>>>  - case studies
>>>  - contact people
>>>  - introduction to some of the technical tools (cf opendatamanual.org)
>> all of these are very good points and should definitely find its way to the wiki / website
>> @Tim: would you bee happy to take an more active role in getting this done?
>> I am also looking to free some of my time to focus more on this.
>> Best greetings
>> Daniel
>>> Tim McNamara
>>> @timClicks
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> -- 
> Jonathan Gray
> Community Coordinator
> The Open Knowledge Foundation
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