[open-government] Guide to open data for non-developers

Tim Davies tim at timdavies.org.uk
Fri Mar 25 15:50:13 UTC 2011

This is something I'd be happy to input into, or to offer the embryonic Open
Data Cook Book project as a space for this: http://www.opendatacookbook.net

Very much looking in that focus on small recipes that address step-by-step
the different parts of using open data, but that do so in a mix-and-match
way that represents the reality of how most open data use happens.

I know Rolf Kleef and others involved on open development data did some work
at yesterday's Open Data Campaigning Camp (
http://opendatacampaigningcamp.eventbrite.com) to sketch out modifications
to the Open Data Manual which might help non-developers / manangers / others
to get their heads around the publishing side of open data.

All the best


2011/3/22 Tony Hirst <a.j.hirst at open.ac.uk>

>  *Jonathan Gray <jonathan.gray at okfn.org> writes:*
> Tony: is this something that might interest you? ;-)
> yes - but not sure what best way forward is; i've started trying to map out
> a possible uncourse, something that may work for p2pu (rufus and i chatted
> briefly around this earlier this year); will try to get my thoughts in order
> and on paper and then share it round
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Tony Hirst
> mailto:a.j.hirst at open.ac.uk <a.j.hirst at open.ac.uk>
> blog: http://blog.ouseful.info
> twitter: @psychemedia
> bio: http://blog.ouseful.info/about
> Dept. of Communication & Systems,
> The Open University, Walton Hall,
> Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK
> Tel: +44 (0)19086 52789, m./SMS 07771 330 372
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> The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt
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