[open-government] [ogdcamp] Workshop on licence choices within each country
Uhlir, Paul
PUhlir at nas.edu
Tue Nov 8 16:19:41 UTC 2011
Hi all:
I was unable to attend this workshop, which is of great interest to me. I have been chairing a group on legal interoperability of data for the Data Sharing Task Force (which I am also co-chairing) of the Group on Earth Observations. We have drafted a white paper on "Legal Options for the Exchange of Data for the GEOSS Data-CORE". The "GEOSS Data-CORE" is the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) Data-Collection of Open Resources for Everyone (CORE). We have been looking at the distinctions among and application of statutory public domain, and private law waivers, licenses, and contracts for legally implementing legal conditions of no restriction or attribution only, consistent with the GEOSS Data-CORE. The GEO Plenary meeting next week in Istanbul will take this up and adopt the summary white paper, with or without amendments. We also are preparing a longer white paper that is the analytical background for the 3-page summary and which we expect to publish next year. I cannot share the draft paper outside GEO until after the Plenary has considered it next week, but will share it with this group after that. I also am planning an international symposium/workshop at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC about a year from now on Research Data as Intellectual Property: How the Law Influences Data Sharing.
In the meantime, I would very much appreciate access to your workshop results and look forward to future interactions with this group on this topic.
Paul F. Uhlir, J.D.
Director, Board on Research Data and Information
National Academy of Sciences, Keck-511
500 Fifth Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
Tel.: +1 202 334 1531
Cell: +1 703 217 5143
Fax: +1 202 334 2231
E-mail: puhlir at nas.edu<mailto:puhlir at nas.edu>
Web: www.nas.edu/brdi
From: open-government-bounces at lists.okfn.org [mailto:open-government-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf Of Daniel Dietrich
Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2011 10:40 AM
To: Thomas Thurner; A list for Open Government Data Camp organisers and participants
Cc: Open Government WG List; Claire Libertic; Benjamin Jean; Primavera de Filippi; EU Open Data Working Group; Nicolas Kayser-Bril
Subject: Re: [open-government] [ogdcamp] Workshop on licence choices within each country
Hi all
I wanted to thank everybody for the discussion. I will also add German view later to the pad.
Just a Word on Thomas comment: Yes, in most jurisdictions a "no-license-policy" is Not a Good choice. On the other hand in some countries, like Germany some PSI is under Public Domain, so applying a license would actually add unnecessary restrictions - besides the fact that it is legally incorrect. in this cases the best solution might be a "Public Domain mark" that indicates the Data is allready in Public Domain so no licens is needed / applicable.
On Tuesday, 8 November 2011, Thomas Thurner <t.thurner at semantic-web.at<mailto:t.thurner at semantic-web.at>> wrote:
> Hi Antti,
> I've added the Austrian situation to the mentioned Etherpad.
> And I want to add, that the discussed "no-license-policy" is dangerous. Not to add any license regime to a piece of content means in many national legislations to fall back to restrict copyright regulations by default.
> ----- Ursprüngliche Mail -----
> Von: "Antti Jogi Poikola" <antti.poikola at gmail.com<mailto:antti.poikola at gmail.com>>
> An: "b ooghe" <b.ooghe at gmail.com<mailto:b.ooghe at gmail.com>>
> CC: "A list for Open Government Data Camp organisers and participants" <ogdcamp at lists.okfn.org<mailto:ogdcamp at lists.okfn.org>>, "Open Government WG List" <open-government at lists.okfn.org<mailto:open-government at lists.okfn.org>>, "Claire Libertic" <claire.libertic at gmail.com<mailto:claire.libertic at gmail.com>>, "Benjamin Jean" <mben at venividilibri.org<mailto:mben at venividilibri.org>>, "Primavera de Filippi" <pdefilippi at gmail.com<mailto:pdefilippi at gmail.com>>, "EU Open Data Working Group" <euopendata at lists.okfn.org<mailto:euopendata at lists.okfn.org>>, "Nicolas Kayser-Bril" <n.kayserbril at gmail.com<mailto:n.kayserbril at gmail.com>>
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 8. November 2011 16:06:54
> Betreff: Re: [ogdcamp] [euopendata] Workshop on licence choices within each country
> Hi,
> Thanks for the great licensing -workshop in OGDcamp Warsaw. I wonder if there was some followup blogposts or shared notes or other next steps? I'm currently writing down my thoughts in Finnish for the local audience here.
> BR,
> Antti Poikola
> On 14 October 2011 16:22, Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou < b.ooghe at gmail.com<mailto:b.ooghe at gmail.com> > wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Primavera (from CC-fr), Claire (from LiberTIC) and myself (from
> RegardsCitoyens) wanted to let know to all of you coming to Warsaw
> next week that we're organizing a wrokshop/round table in order to
> discuss open data licence choices made in all of our countries (friday
> 21st, 4:30 pm)
> In France, the licence subject has risen many issues since a lot of
> public actors usually want to sell their data. Thanks to the lobbying
> from the community, some Open Licences (ODbL mostly, which was
> officially translated) were adopted by multiple cities and during next
> week, after months of discussion with the government team in charge of
> the coming data.gouv.fr<http://data.gouv.fr> , should be released the future official
> national french licence, that should be similar to a BY licence,
> inpired by the british OGL.
> We understand that more than 40 different countries will be
> represented in Warsaw, so we believe it would be really interesting to
> have representants from most countries share altogether what official
> choices were made in every country regarding open licences for data
> and how the communities can puh towards open licences and how to
> ensure international compatibilities between all of these
> This should also be a good occasion to discuss the open clauses that
> can be included by an open licence. After the release a couple ays ago
> of the canadian study on share-alike for collectivities data, at the
> opposite to the choice ome french cities including Paris did wih ODbL,
> it seems like having an international discussion among the community
> on the mater would be of great use and interest.
> The following pad describes the proposed planning for this workshop,
> please list your country if you intend to be there, and do not
> hesitate to edit the programme with ideas and suggestions !
> http://okfnpad.org/ogdcamp-fr
> See you all next week !
> Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou
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> Antti "Jogi" Poikola - +358 44 337 5439
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> |
> | Thomas Thurner
> | Head of Transfer
> | Semantic Web Company (SWC)
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> | t.thurner at semantic-web.at<mailto:t.thurner at semantic-web.at>
> | OKFO / Open Govenment Data Austria: http://www.opendata.at
> | LOD2 - Creating Knowledge out of Interlinked Data: http://lod2.eu/
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Daniel Dietrich
The Open Knowledge Foundation
Promoting Open Knowledge in a Digital Age
www.okfn.org<http://www.okfn.org> - www.opendefinition.org<http://www.opendefinition.org>
+49 171 780 870 3
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