[open-government] Council of Ministers adopts Royal Decree on re-use of public sector information

Cancio Melia, Jorge jcancio at mityc.es
Thu Nov 17 07:31:57 UTC 2011

Dear all

Please find attached an unofficial English translation of the text.


Jorge Cancio

De: Cancio Melia, Jorge
Enviado el: viernes, 21 de octubre de 2011 14:11
Para: open-government at lists.okfn.org
CC: Emilio García García
Asunto: Council of Ministers adopts Royal Decree on re-use of public sector information

Dear all

Today the Council of Ministers has adopted the Royal Decree on re-use of public sector information, for the national public sector.

As you will perhaps remember this Royal Decree underwent a public consultation during November and December 2010.

The final text of the Royal Decree will be published shortly in the Official Gazette. The announcement of its adoption can be accessed at http://www.lamoncloa.gob.es/ConsejodeMinistros/Referencias/_2011/refc20111021.htm#DatosPublicos (in Spanish). We are planning to informally translate the decree into English in the coming weeks.

Please find attached to this email an informal summary in English of the Royal Decree's main elements, which could be summed up as establishing the rule of making public data open and available by default.

I hope this piece of news will be of your interest.

With kindest regards

Jorge Cancio

On behalf of the Aporta Project Team and both the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade and the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Administration

Vocal Asesor

Subdirección General de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información

Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio

www.mityc.es Tel.:  91 346 26 23   Fax:  91 346 15 77



Deputy to the Director of Information Society Services

Spanish General Administration

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