[open-government] Call for lightening talks & participation in the Government Linked Data Workshop in Warsaw - Oct 20th, 2011

Martin Kaltenböck m.kaltenboeck at semantic-web.at
Mon Oct 10 13:37:52 UTC 2011

Hi all!
(and apologies for cross-posting)

This is a reminder for the Call for Lightening Talks (Best Practise & Use Cases in Government Linked Data) 
at the Open Government Data Camp 2011 (http://www.ogdcamp.org) in Warsaw Poland.  Lightening Talks submission 
- Due Wednesday 12-Oct-2011 20:00 CET, see http://bit.ly/CfL-GLD-workshop

If you are working on a concrete Government Link Data project (e.g. an open data project that makes use of linked open data) 
and would like to present this to an interested audience please submit a short abstract for a lightning talk and join 
the GLD workshop on the 20th of October 2011 in the afternoon!

Please join us on 20-October-2011 from 14:00-17.30 CET at the Government Linked Data Workshop in Warsaw Poland. 
The panelists (from LOD2 project, W3C and EC) will discuss concrete examples of how Linked Open Data is changing 
our interactions with local, state and national governments. Hear more about what government representatives, 
policy makers, lawyers, developers, academics and research scientists need and are actively doing today.

The workshop and panel discussion are organised by the LOD2 project and the W3C Government Linked Data working group.
For further information on the workshop and panel discussion, please read:
LOD2 blog post on Government Linked Data Workshop, see http://lod2.eu/BlogPost/
W3C Semantic Web Activity News, see http://www.w3.org/blog/SW/

Looking forward to receive your lightning talk abstract soon & to seeing you in Warsaw - all the best!


Martin Kaltenböck, CMC
Managing Partner, CFO
Semantic Web Company (SWC)
Mariahilferstrasse 70 / Neubaugasse 1, Top 8
A - 1070 Vienna, Austria
Tel +43.1.402 12 35 - 25, Fax +43.1.402 12 35 - 22


LOD2 - Creating Knowledge out of Interlinked Data - http://lod2.eu/

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