[open-government] Software for Open Data : Drupal?

Krzysztof Trzewiczek krzysztof at trzewiczek.info
Tue Sep 13 10:44:22 UTC 2011


I'm a bit late, but we're in the last days of the development of the raw 
data platform called Raw Salad. It's dedicated to raw data publication and 
easy access (search, permalinks, filtering/sorting, REST API etc) to data.

If you are interested in a current almost finished beta preview please 
visit (be aware: it's a test server, not a final release!):


At the moment it's all in polish, but google translator can help for the 
preview purpose.

The software is BSD licensed, so no problem with reuse and is scheduled 
for a further intensive development for at least next six months.

I'd be happy to provide you with additional info if you are interested in 
Raw Salad.

Greetings from Poland,
Krzysztof Trzewiczek

Head of Open Gov Lab
Centrum Cyfrowe Projekt: Polska

On Sun, 11 Sep 2011, Neil McEvoy wrote:

> Hi folks
> I'm setting out to design an 'Open Data Hosting' service available from
> Cloud providers, and am wondering what the ideal spec for this would be.
> I'm wondering if quite simply an install of Drupal would be the best way
> to achieve this.
> Key features seem to be:
> - On-boarding process: Transforming raw data
> - Filter and sort: Presentations of the data
> - REST API: Programmable access
> - Community: Various features for social media collaboration around the data
> - E-Commerce: Generate revenues from data-based services
> What else do you think?
> -- 
> Neil McEvoy
> Founder
> Cloud Best Practices Network
> http://mcevoy.biz
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